| - The Colony is a subterranean civilization located under London, England. It was founded by Sir Gabriel Martineau and the Styx back in the 1700s. People in The Colony are called Colonists.
- The Colony is a three-rank mancala game for two players, which was designed in 2008 by Jeph Stahl (Canada). Players take the role of rival ant colonies that discover a recently cut wood pile and try to collect and protect the most eggs at the end of the game. The second edition was published in 2010 by Blue Panther.
- The Colony is a mentioned-only location.
- The Colony is a 2013 Canadian sci-fi/horror film directed by Jeff Renfroe, written by Renfroe, Svet Rouskov, Patrick Tarr, and Pascal Trottier, and starringstarring Laurence Fishburne, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Zegers. It is due for release in the United States on August 23, 2013.
- The Colony is an NFG, though it is sometimes criticized, of the Star Wars Combine Galaxy. It consists of many players who all want to colonize the galaxy.
- On the edge of a rocky streambed that ran through the middle of a nature preserve park, there dwelt a colony of meat ants. The Ants had lived in their anthill in the Streambed for longer than most of them could remember. It seemed a fairly safe place, for there were few other insects around and therefore no need to defend against other, hostile creatures (except of rare occasions, of course). The stream itself ran regularly, although it tended to flood during Autumn. The Anthill was strategically placed on the edge of the water, about three-fourths of the way to the other Bank. The Workers had dammed up the flow between themselves and the closest bank, so that the ground was dry and they could easily walk across and pick food.
- The Colony ist ein Computerspiel von Mindscape für den Apple Macintosh, welches 1988 auf dem Markt kam. 1988 wurde es auch bereits auf (Intel) PC portiert, wobei der (wichtige) Sound allerdings auf der Strecke blieb. Bei der Portierung 1990 zum Amiga wurde Farbe hinzugefügt. Es war der erste 3D-Ego-Shooter auf dem Macintosh. Die Kategorisierung kann aber genauso gut „Adventure“ oder „Rollenspiel“ lauten. Das Spiel wurde von David Alan Smith, der sich hauptberuflich mit der Fernsteuerung von mobilen Robotern beschäftigte, allein realisiert.
- Tau Ceti IV (a.ka. the Colony) is a planet in the Tau Ceti system. It was the first UESC extra-solar colony, which was colonized by the UESC Marathon before it was destroyed by the Pfhor in 2794. At it's height it housed about twenty-four thousand people. While the initial attack was eventually repulsed, three months after Durandal's departure from the system, the Pfhor returned in force to destroy the entire colony and the Marathon. It is here that they picked up the reanimated Tycho, who would end up working for a Pfhor captain.
- The Colony is a stable based in CHIKARA. As their name suggests, their gimmick is that of ant colony, which is further reinforced with their names being based on particular ants (Fire Ant, Green Ant / Silver Ant, and Carpenter Ant) and classes within an ant colony (Soldier Ant ,the first and second Worker Ants).