| - Erich Priebke (29 July 1913 – 11 October 2013) was a German Hauptsturmführer (Captain) in the SS police force (Sipo). In 1996 he was convicted of war crimes in Italy, for participating in the massacre at the Ardeatine caves in Rome on 24 March 1944. 335 Italian civilians (among them 75 Italians of Jewish ancestry) were killed in retaliation for a partisan attack that killed 33 German soldiers. Priebke was one of those held responsible for this mass execution. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, he received help from a bishop stationed in Rome and fled to Argentina on a Vatican passport, where he lived for over 50 years.
- Erich Priebke (born July 29, 1913) is a former Hauptsturmführer (Captain) in the Waffen SS. In 1996 he was convicted of war crimes in Italy, for participating in the massacre at the Ardeatine caves in Rome, on March 24, 1944. 335 Italian civilians were killed there in retaliation after a partisan attack had claimed the lives of 33 German soldiers (an SS military police battalion from South Tyrol). Priebke was one of those who was held responsible for this mass execution. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, he got help to flee to Argentina where he lived for over 50 years.
- Erich Priebke (Hennigsdorf, 29 juli 1913) is een Duitse oorlogsmisdadiger en was lid van de SS. Hij was op 24 maart 1944 betrokken bij de moordpartij in de Ardeatine-grotten vlakbij Rome. Hierbij werden 335 Italiaanse burgers vermoord als vergelding voor de dood van 33 Duitse militairen, die door het verzet waren gedood. Onder de slachtoffers van het bloedbad in de Ardeatine-grotten waren ook 75 Joden. Bij deze misdaden was ook de Duitser Karl Hass betrokken.