| - Head of a small tribe of "Indians", Chief Thundercloud was a proud and strong leader. He seemed to prefer peace, but was ready to defend his lands at any cost. This resolve was tested when his people came under attack from soldiers from the U.S. Army, who believed Thundercloud's men to be "savages" for having different beliefs. After a series of minor skirmishes, the Chief pledged to "fight to the last man", upsetting Moon River and the Shaman, a man who believed that spirits could protect their home.
| - Head of a small tribe of "Indians", Chief Thundercloud was a proud and strong leader. He seemed to prefer peace, but was ready to defend his lands at any cost. This resolve was tested when his people came under attack from soldiers from the U.S. Army, who believed Thundercloud's men to be "savages" for having different beliefs. After a series of minor skirmishes, the Chief pledged to "fight to the last man", upsetting Moon River and the Shaman, a man who believed that spirits could protect their home. Some time later, his village was once again attacked by soldiers, prompting Thundercloud to ready his spear. An attack was not necessary, as the appearance of Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose ended hostilities for the moment. Upon discovering the hedgehogs to not be spirits, but intruders, Thundercloud ordered the arrivals to be tied up in a tipi. Soon after, the Army returned once again, with Thundercloud resisting attempts by the Shaman to rely on the appearance of spirits. Again, battle was averted when a blue streak caused the soldiers to flee. The wise Thundercloud believed that Sonic had broken free again, but one look inside the tent changed his mind, opening his eyes to the possibility of spirits. Declaring a day of celebration, Thundercloud allowed the hedgehogs to go free before commissioning a totem pole to made in their likeness. As he lived long before Sonic was born, he is now dead.