| - Web walks down the halls of the Syndicate Japan headquarters in Tokyo, it seems fine at first but as soon as the camera angle changes to above the headquarters, only the first floor remains intact. [Syndicate Anime extended opening plays] [Commercial Break #1] The subtitle reads two hours earlier, and Fiah gets dressed. While he is getting dressed, the secretary, Haruka, watches him. Fiah turns around to see her, and he immediately covers himself. "Don't worry." Haruka smiles at him. "I won't bite." She walks closer to him as the screen fades to black and Rei is seen changing and Josh walks in and Rei smiles while standing up and kisses him. "When we take down this group. We will not return to fighting. We will become a family." Josh nods. "I agree, these missions are getting dangerous. For everyone in this group. I'm glad Web created it, but I don't think that it needs to last long." Web walks down a hallway, and finds a package from Osaka. "Huh..never knew we had a Osaka division." Bagel scratches his head as he walked towards Web. "I don't think we have one. John would know but he's still on the plane. It'll take a day to reach him. I believe I must go to talk to him." Web nods. "Yeah. They would need you the most back in Elysium." We return to Fiah and Haruka, laying in bed and Haruka looks up at Fiah. "That was fun." Fiah nodded and smiled at her. "It really was." Haruka shifts and sits on Fiah's legs. "Today is a day off so we can do whatever we want." She giggled as she took off the blanket as the camera fades to black. [Commercial Break #2] Web walks down the hallway towards the debrief room, as Tenchi figures out what's in the package. "Looks like a Nokia phone, Web. But I see something in the inside.." Web looks over at him. "What is it?" Tenchi looks at Web with a horrified face. "A bomb. We have to warn the others!" Web nodded and went to the intercom interface. "Everyone, evacuate! This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill. Evacuate immediately." The screen fades to black. [Syndicate Anime Ending]