| - Gauche is one of the most important and ignored words in history, and can mean socialy lacking, crude, idiot eye, etc. It is important not to be gauche. Therefore, here are some pointers on avoiding it. This article could have been called HowTo:Not Be Gauche, but fuck that namespace. Fuck it in the ear.
- Gauche (ゴーシュ Gooshu?) is a minor antagonist in Tales of Vesperia, commonly seen along with her sister Droite. Gauche and Droite are loyal members of the Leviathan's Claw guild, as well as the adopted daughters of Yeager, leader of the guild. Gauche is seen as a distinct contrast to her sister, as she takes a serious and grave approach to most situations, commonly disregarding Droite's light-hearted and enthusiastic approach to life.
- Insieme a Dextra duellante.usa un deck Eroico. Nella seconda serie diventa un duellante professionista, con Dextra come manager.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gauche (“‘left, awkward’”) from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gauchir "to veer, turn" from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gaucher "to trample, walk clumsily", of [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] origin, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] welkan "to full, trample" from Proto-Germanic *welk- (“‘to full, roll up’”). Akin to [[w:|]] walchan "to knead", [[w:|]] wealcian "to roll up, curl", [[w:|]] valka "to drag about". More at walk
| - Gauche is one of the most important and ignored words in history, and can mean socialy lacking, crude, idiot eye, etc. It is important not to be gauche. Therefore, here are some pointers on avoiding it. This article could have been called HowTo:Not Be Gauche, but fuck that namespace. Fuck it in the ear.
- Gauche (ゴーシュ Gooshu?) is a minor antagonist in Tales of Vesperia, commonly seen along with her sister Droite. Gauche and Droite are loyal members of the Leviathan's Claw guild, as well as the adopted daughters of Yeager, leader of the guild. Gauche is seen as a distinct contrast to her sister, as she takes a serious and grave approach to most situations, commonly disregarding Droite's light-hearted and enthusiastic approach to life.
- Insieme a Dextra duellante.usa un deck Eroico. Nella seconda serie diventa un duellante professionista, con Dextra come manager.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gauche (“‘left, awkward’”) from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gauchir "to veer, turn" from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] gaucher "to trample, walk clumsily", of [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] origin, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gauche]] welkan "to full, trample" from Proto-Germanic *welk- (“‘to full, roll up’”). Akin to [[w:|]] walchan "to knead", [[w:|]] wealcian "to roll up, curl", [[w:|]] valka "to drag about". More at walk