Anateo was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and previously controlled several planets in their territory. He was extremely ruthless and had no patience for those who would stand in his way. He also considered himself independent from the Alliance and had little respect for his superiors. He originally controlled several planets in the Lucian Alliance, although he lost several of them to the Ori during their invasion of the Milky Way. Before turning on Netan, he had suggested he kill Karug, of his fellow Seconds, and take over his territories, although his suggestion was denied. After Netan had committed three battleships in the Battle of P3Y-229, something that would later turn out to be a strategic error, Anateo had become convinced that Netan was unworthy to lead the Lucian Alliance and
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| - Anateo è un ufficiale di alto grado dell'Alleanza Lucian, sottoposto di Netan, il capo dell'Alleanza Lucian. Gli venne assegnato l'incarico di trarre in un imboscata e distruggere la nave terrestre Odyssey. Anateo tese l'imboscata in sistema solare con una stella del tipo Nana Bruna, che emette radiazioni che depotenziano gli scudi, in questo modo con tre navi Ha'tak ha spinto la Odyssey in un campo minato. In seguito avrebbe dovuto distruggerla, ma ha deciso di ribellarsi a Netan e di usare la Odyssey per prendere il comando dell'Alleanza Lucian. Mentre stava facendo riparare la neve dal colonnello Carter è stato teletrasportato nello spazio, dal Dottor Jackson, che aveva preso il comando delle cabina di pilotaggio.
- Anateo was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and previously controlled several planets in their territory. He was extremely ruthless and had no patience for those who would stand in his way. He also considered himself independent from the Alliance and had little respect for his superiors. He originally controlled several planets in the Lucian Alliance, although he lost several of them to the Ori during their invasion of the Milky Way. Before turning on Netan, he had suggested he kill Karug, of his fellow Seconds, and take over his territories, although his suggestion was denied. After Netan had committed three battleships in the Battle of P3Y-229, something that would later turn out to be a strategic error, Anateo had become convinced that Netan was unworthy to lead the Lucian Alliance and
- Anateo var en manlig människa och var en "Sekond" av Lucian Alliansen och tidigare kontrollerade flera planeter inom deras territorium. Han var mycket hänsynslös och hade inget tålamod för dem som skulle stå i hans väg. Han ansåg sig också oberoende av alliansen och hade lite respekt för sina överordnade. Han kontrollerade ursprungligen flera planeter i Lucian Alliansen, även om han förlorade flera av dem till Ori under deras invasion av Vintergatan. Innan du slår på Netan, hade han föreslagit att han dödar Karug av hans kolleger sekunder och ta över hans territorium, även om hans förslag nekades.
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| - Sekond av Lucian Alliansen
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| - Second of the Lucian Alliance
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| - Anateo was a "Second" of the Lucian Alliance and previously controlled several planets in their territory. He was extremely ruthless and had no patience for those who would stand in his way. He also considered himself independent from the Alliance and had little respect for his superiors. He originally controlled several planets in the Lucian Alliance, although he lost several of them to the Ori during their invasion of the Milky Way. Before turning on Netan, he had suggested he kill Karug, of his fellow Seconds, and take over his territories, although his suggestion was denied. After Netan had committed three battleships in the Battle of P3Y-229, something that would later turn out to be a strategic error, Anateo had become convinced that Netan was unworthy to lead the Lucian Alliance and planned to assassinate and succeed him. However, Netan knew of Anateo's intentions and had planned to send him on a fools errand to capture the Odyssey, hoping that the attempt would either result in his death or capture by the Tau'ri. Against expectations, the capture was successful, although Anateo neglected to inform the Alliance, confirming Netan's suspicions. Netan subsequently sent two Ha'taks to destroy the Odyssey and kill Anateo in person. However, his problem was solved by Dr. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran, who beamed him into space during their attempt to retake the ship. When Netan demanded to know where he was, Daniel simply replied that "he had to go" while gesturing at the front window. (SG1: "Company of Thieves")
- Anateo var en manlig människa och var en "Sekond" av Lucian Alliansen och tidigare kontrollerade flera planeter inom deras territorium. Han var mycket hänsynslös och hade inget tålamod för dem som skulle stå i hans väg. Han ansåg sig också oberoende av alliansen och hade lite respekt för sina överordnade. Han kontrollerade ursprungligen flera planeter i Lucian Alliansen, även om han förlorade flera av dem till Ori under deras invasion av Vintergatan. Innan du slår på Netan, hade han föreslagit att han dödar Karug av hans kolleger sekunder och ta över hans territorium, även om hans förslag nekades. Efter Netan hade begått tre slagskepp i slaget vid P3Y-229,, något som senare skulle visa sig vara ett strategiskt misstag hade Anateo blivit övertygad om att Netan var ovärdig att leda Lucian Alliansen och planerade att mörda och lyckas honom . Men visste Netan i Anateo avsikter och hade planerat att skicka honom på en dårar ärende att fånga Odyssey, hoppas att försöket antingen skulle resultera i hans död eller fånga av Tau'ri. Mot förväntningarna var att fånga framgångsrik, även om Anateo underlåtit att informera alliansen, bekräftar Netan misstankar. Netan skickade därefter två Ha'tak för att förstöra Odyssey och döda Anateo personligen. Men hans problem lösas genom Doktor Daniel Jackson och Vala Mal Doran, som strålade honom i rymden under sina försök att återta skeppet. När Netan krävde att få veta var han var, svarade Daniel helt enkelt att "han var tvungen att gå" medan bättrade på framrutan. (SG1: "Company of Thieves") __NOEDITSECTION__
- Anateo è un ufficiale di alto grado dell'Alleanza Lucian, sottoposto di Netan, il capo dell'Alleanza Lucian. Gli venne assegnato l'incarico di trarre in un imboscata e distruggere la nave terrestre Odyssey. Anateo tese l'imboscata in sistema solare con una stella del tipo Nana Bruna, che emette radiazioni che depotenziano gli scudi, in questo modo con tre navi Ha'tak ha spinto la Odyssey in un campo minato. In seguito avrebbe dovuto distruggerla, ma ha deciso di ribellarsi a Netan e di usare la Odyssey per prendere il comando dell'Alleanza Lucian. Mentre stava facendo riparare la neve dal colonnello Carter è stato teletrasportato nello spazio, dal Dottor Jackson, che aveva preso il comando delle cabina di pilotaggio.
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