| - This list of countries consists 59 states on Terra. Undiscovered and undeveloped areas and colonies are not included here. Over the past few centuries more and more countries have formed on Terra by various groups and native peoples. However a large part of Terra, comprised of most of Dovani and all of Squibble and Vascania remain mostly unexplored, and are currently not known to have any sovereign nation, except the few in Dovani.
- The first location to be absolutely confirmed not to be a part of the United Federation, aside from the mostly uninhabited Angel Island. Soleanna is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by those called either Duke or Princess, rather than King or Queen. The current ruler is Princess Elise the Third, daughter of the previous Duke of Soleanna, who died ten years prior. Its main industries are tourism and precision machinery. Soleanna's major religion appears to be a worship of the Sun God Solaris. It is unknown if the other people of the world follow this religion, or if it is exclusive to Soleanna.
- The countries that have entered the BuzzJack Song Contest are as follows:
* Allecian
* Angelicland
* Astoria
* B.a.N.G
* Ben's Sanctuary
* Bhangra
* Blackcurrentbillyoland
* Britmasu
* Brokeback Mountain
* Bokia
* Botanikka
* Cadbury
* Camdonia
* Camtoro
* Cascadia
* Charisma
* Dalisska
* Deandria
* Dulpaen
* Eledan
* Espen
* Faztickle
* Fervorosia
* Frahliso
* FSR Farahtyn
* FSR Rontvia
* FNT Nickodonia
* Gacktistan
* GanjaLand
* Greenfroze
* Greenland
* Hendinia
* Herzebania
* Hitanyia
* Iceyland
* Inner Massivia
* Jrk-Off
* Kathaldazia
* Kellyana's Kingdom
* Kingdom of Shadow
* Kingdom of Waldia
* Kopečka
* Kylienips
| - This list of countries consists 59 states on Terra. Undiscovered and undeveloped areas and colonies are not included here. Over the past few centuries more and more countries have formed on Terra by various groups and native peoples. However a large part of Terra, comprised of most of Dovani and all of Squibble and Vascania remain mostly unexplored, and are currently not known to have any sovereign nation, except the few in Dovani.
- The first location to be absolutely confirmed not to be a part of the United Federation, aside from the mostly uninhabited Angel Island. Soleanna is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by those called either Duke or Princess, rather than King or Queen. The current ruler is Princess Elise the Third, daughter of the previous Duke of Soleanna, who died ten years prior. Its main industries are tourism and precision machinery. Soleanna's major religion appears to be a worship of the Sun God Solaris. It is unknown if the other people of the world follow this religion, or if it is exclusive to Soleanna. Soleanna's capital city is also named Soleanna, though it is sometimes called the City of Water. Two-hundred years into the future, the nearest city to the capital, the more modern New City, becomes the site of the Iblis' attacks, and is known as Crisis City to the few survivors. The appearance of the capital city is based on Venice, Italy.
- The countries that have entered the BuzzJack Song Contest are as follows:
* Allecian
* Angelicland
* Astoria
* B.a.N.G
* Ben's Sanctuary
* Bhangra
* Blackcurrentbillyoland
* Britmasu
* Brokeback Mountain
* Bokia
* Botanikka
* Cadbury
* Camdonia
* Camtoro
* Cascadia
* Charisma
* Dalisska
* Deandria
* Dulpaen
* Eledan
* Espen
* Faztickle
* Fervorosia
* Frahliso
* FSR Farahtyn
* FSR Rontvia
* FNT Nickodonia
* Gacktistan
* GanjaLand
* Greenfroze
* Greenland
* Hendinia
* Herzebania
* Hitanyia
* Iceyland
* Inner Massivia
* Jrk-Off
* Kathaldazia
* Kellyana's Kingdom
* Kingdom of Shadow
* Kingdom of Waldia
* Kopečka
* Kylienips
* Land Of Jack
* Leonville
* Lievant
* Londonski
* Lorikeet
* Lotopialand
* Ojnoj
* OMR Fortunia
* Orgerical
* Mdiče
* Mykanovia
* New Alba
* New Rivermaya
* Nonsuch
* Norwegia
* Numayania
* People's Republic of Jester
* Phinechendza
* Phlumptopia
* Poisonvine Bay
* Priceville
* Quotosibb
* Rabbitland
* Rivandia
* Republique d'Ashton
* Romeria
* Rossland
* Sangria
* Scassoorain
* Scherzland
* Simondly
* Singing God's Land
* Skall
* Spila
* Spizil
* Tapatilandia
* Tasha Island
* Tinnmark
* Triodopolis
* Tyleratia
* Tyronosarusland
* United States of Russiatron
* United States of Jack
* United States of Tron
* Utopia
* Vulcania