| - The Merraxen were an ancient race of peoples whom originally inhabited Korriban, however, later immigrated to Graef due to in fighting. This race thrived in the days prior to the Old Republic and continued to remain strong until the Great Galactic Civil War. The Merraxen had a natural connection with the Force and worshipped the dark side, which they dubbed Underlord. It was largely due to their Force-sensitivity that they became some of the greatest warriors of their time. In many ways, the Merraxen were ahead of their time, creating primitive lightsabers and building giant, Force driven spacecrafts. However, in the end it was this power that would destroy them from within. After a bloody civil war, the followers of the triumphant warlord traveled to Graef. There they set up a new empire.
| - The Merraxen were an ancient race of peoples whom originally inhabited Korriban, however, later immigrated to Graef due to in fighting. This race thrived in the days prior to the Old Republic and continued to remain strong until the Great Galactic Civil War. The Merraxen had a natural connection with the Force and worshipped the dark side, which they dubbed Underlord. It was largely due to their Force-sensitivity that they became some of the greatest warriors of their time. In many ways, the Merraxen were ahead of their time, creating primitive lightsabers and building giant, Force driven spacecrafts. However, in the end it was this power that would destroy them from within. After a bloody civil war, the followers of the triumphant warlord traveled to Graef. There they set up a new empire. After which they joined the Royal Thrungeskian Commonwealth. Though they were able to establish themselves within the Commonwealth government, the Merraxen rapidly declined. By the time of the Clone Wars many had never heard of a mysterious race called Merraxen. During the Separatist Crisis as Merraxen-Human hybrid, named Aanor, attempted to revive his race by creating the Merraxen Redeemers. However, these new Merraxen were destroyed by the Empire.