| - Agent Gray: We are still attempting to reestablish contact with the commandos. All of our attempts have been...ineffective. We are troubled by their attempts to gain information about physical connections to the Matrix. We have laid out a counterintelligence plan. Proceed to the indicated location to meet with one of our Agents. Operator: Agent Green should be on site here...find him and see what he's got for you. Agent Lee: Can you tell me why humans behave so irrationally? I have an item here that was recovered from the body of a Zion operative. We have analyzed it extensively and found no discernible purpose. It is yours if you wish it, {redpill_name}. Agent Green: {redpill_name}. Take this disk from me. Agent Gray will instruct you in it's use. Operator: Wow, a disk. Never seen one of those before... all right, you can get out of there. Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Agent Green: Exit the area and Agent Gray will give you further instructions. Agent Lee: Can you tell me why humans behave so irrationally? I have an item here that was recovered from the body of a Zion operative. We have analyzed it extensively and found no discernible purpose. It is yours if you wish it, {redpill_name}. Agent Gray: The disk you now posess contains misleading data concerning physical access to the Matrix. Planted in the correct location, it will be discovered by the commandos and disrupt whatever plans they have. before you plant the data, however, you must launch a diversionary attack. This will draw off security from the final target and allow you to insert the data undetected. Operator: All right, this is the location of the diversionary attack. Head on in and take everyone out as quick as you can, then get out of there. Operator: That's ervyone. Reinforcements should be on their way - but ignore them if nyou can. you needto get over to the drop location. Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Agent Gray: Now we come to the final phase of your mission, {redpill_name?}. You're HUD is displaying the coordinates of an illicit information brokerage. Your attack drew away reinforcements from this location. Enter the site and place the disk in the computer. Operator: All right, just get in, plant the data, and get out... don't talk to anyone or engage in combat, understand? If they realize this was a plant job, the whole mission is a waste. Agent Gray: Excellent. I suspect that the commandos will at one point... One moment... Apparently the commandos have come sooner than expected. They are arriving on site as we speak, and appear to be...hostile. You must exit the area without killing them; they must find the data you planted. Leave the area immediately, {redpillname}. Agent Gray: Now we must hope that the commandos will still believe the data you planted. I admit, I am not an expert in the field of predicting emotional reactions to...unpredictable situations. [mission complete]