The Zen Garden is an animated decoration that was available from the Mystery Box. This decoration costs 16 cash. As of December 18, 2009, it can be obtained from a Golden Mystery Egg. The Zen Garden has a number of different appearances, as the rake, patterns in the sand, and rocks can be in different positions.
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| - The Zen Garden is an animated decoration that was available from the Mystery Box. This decoration costs 16 cash. As of December 18, 2009, it can be obtained from a Golden Mystery Egg. The Zen Garden has a number of different appearances, as the rake, patterns in the sand, and rocks can be in different positions.
- Room description - "Take some time out." Most players use this garden to hang out with friends or just relax.
- This Limited Edition is March 10th to 17th, 2016 TradeFest's Tier 3 Reward.
- Zen Gardens were introduced as a pastime by Tibetan monks, who needed a super-powerful time waster because they didn't do jack in between Mortal Kombats. For years, the monks would push rocks around with sticks until they achieved enlightenment through undreamt-of amounts of boredom and then they'd die. Early Buddhism was developed as a way to escape what the monks called "prahna-tzikrit yllamatana" or the dreams of pushing rocks and sand around that came after days of pushing rocks and sand around, which was called "Cobain".
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es lore
| - Los monstruos de AGUA no pueden declarar ataques. Los Monstruos Xyz en el Campo ganan ATK igual a su propio Rango x 100. Una vez por turno, si controlas exactamente 1 monstruo de Tipo Planta : puedes Invocar de Modo Especial, desde tu mano, 1 monstruo de Tipo Planta de nivel 4 o menor.
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ja lore
| - このカードがフィールド上に存在する限り、フィールド上の水属性モンスターは攻撃できない。フィールド上のエクシーズモンスターの攻撃力は、そのランク×100ポイントアップする。また、1ターンに1度、自分フィールド上のモンスターが植物族モンスター1体のみの場合に発動できる。手札からレベル4以下の植物族モンスター1体を特殊召喚する。
it lore
| - I mostri ACQUA non possono dichiarare un attacco. I Mostri Xyz sul Terreno guadagnano ATK pari al loro stesso Rango x 100. Una volta per turno, se controlli esattamente 1 mostro di Tipo Pianta : puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 mostro di Tipo Pianta di Livello 4 o inferiore dalla tua mano.
| - WATER monsters cannot declare an attack. Xyz Monsters on the field gain ATK equal to their own Rank x 100. Once per turn, if you control exactly 1 Plant-Type monster : You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Plant-Type monster from your hand.
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stat change
| - * Your monsters gain ATK
* Your opponent's monsters gain ATK
de lore
| - WASSER Monster können keinen Angriff deklarieren. Xyz-Monster auf dem Spielfeld erhalten ATK in Höhe ihres Rangs x 100. Einmal pro Spielzug, falls du genau 1 Monster vom Typ Pflanze kontrollierst: Du kannst 1 Monster vom Typ Pflanze der Stufe 4 oder niedriger als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand beschwören.
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fr lore
| - Les monstres EAU ne peuvent pas déclarer d'attaque. Les Monstres Xyz sur le Terrain gagnent une ATK égale à leur propre Rang x 100. Une fois par tour, si vous contrôlez exactement 1 monstre de Type Plante : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 monstre de Type Plante de max. Niveau 4 depuis votre main.
sell curr amt
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effect types
| - Continuous-like, Continuous-like, Ignition-like
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cost curr amt
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| - Special Summons from your hand
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| - Permanent: Target creature gains cannot attack. At the beginning of your turn, return zen garden to its owner's hand.
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| - Mystery Box
Golden Mystery Egg
wikipage disambiguates
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| - The Zen Garden is an animated decoration that was available from the Mystery Box. This decoration costs 16 cash. As of December 18, 2009, it can be obtained from a Golden Mystery Egg. The Zen Garden has a number of different appearances, as the rake, patterns in the sand, and rocks can be in different positions.
- Room description - "Take some time out." Most players use this garden to hang out with friends or just relax.
- This Limited Edition is March 10th to 17th, 2016 TradeFest's Tier 3 Reward.
- Zen Gardens were introduced as a pastime by Tibetan monks, who needed a super-powerful time waster because they didn't do jack in between Mortal Kombats. For years, the monks would push rocks around with sticks until they achieved enlightenment through undreamt-of amounts of boredom and then they'd die. Early Buddhism was developed as a way to escape what the monks called "prahna-tzikrit yllamatana" or the dreams of pushing rocks and sand around that came after days of pushing rocks and sand around, which was called "Cobain". During the industrial revolution, the fat greedy capitalist factory owners would wager child laborers on a horrific and blasphemous game of beach dodgeball, or to be more accurate, sand-covered-factory-floor dodgerock. In the 1980s, Zen Gardens became the intuitive home of the pet rock, easily shepherded over by herds of Chia Pets. Hair Bands. The Robot. Ankle Weights. Recently, the most development in the cultivation of Zen Gardens has come from the United States, who, thanks to its unemployment and spiritual bankruptcy has more people who lack any kind of holistic oneness than any other country and must gain a feeling of connection to the Earth by pushing bits of it around with a rake.