| - Gavar Khai was a male Human Sith Saber in the Lost Tribe of Sith from the planet Kesh. Khai married a non-Force-sensitive woman, Lahka, with whom he had one daughter, Vestara. In 41 ABY, the meditation sphere Ship arrived on Kesh and spoke with Gavar's daughter, resulting in her apprenticeship to Lady Rhea. In 43.5 ABY, after a strike team failed to kill the Jedi Luke and Ben Skywalker, Vestara, the sole Sith survivor, contacted the Tribe to retrieve her from the planet Dathomir. Gavar Khai was chosen as part of the force led by High Lord Sarasu Taalon to retrieve Vestara and ally themselves with the Jedi with the purpose of confronting the dark side being Abeloth. After allying with the Jedi, the fleet waited at the planet Klatooine for businessman Lando Calrissian to arrive with an aster
| - Gavar Khai was a male Human Sith Saber in the Lost Tribe of Sith from the planet Kesh. Khai married a non-Force-sensitive woman, Lahka, with whom he had one daughter, Vestara. In 41 ABY, the meditation sphere Ship arrived on Kesh and spoke with Gavar's daughter, resulting in her apprenticeship to Lady Rhea. In 43.5 ABY, after a strike team failed to kill the Jedi Luke and Ben Skywalker, Vestara, the sole Sith survivor, contacted the Tribe to retrieve her from the planet Dathomir. Gavar Khai was chosen as part of the force led by High Lord Sarasu Taalon to retrieve Vestara and ally themselves with the Jedi with the purpose of confronting the dark side being Abeloth. After allying with the Jedi, the fleet waited at the planet Klatooine for businessman Lando Calrissian to arrive with an asteroid tug for assistance in navigating the Maw. Eventually, the Sith and Jedi agreed to continue their mission and wait for Calrissian just outside the Maw. The fleet, with Calrissian's help, traveled to Abeloth's planet, where Khai accompanied Taalon and the Jedi to the realm beyond shadows in an attempt to locate Abeloth. The strike team soon found and battled Abeloth, and the Sith betrayed the Jedi as Khai attacked Luke. Ben quickly intervened, however, and dueled Khai as Luke fought Abeloth and the other Sith—who were attempting to capture her for the Tribe. Abeloth was then seemingly killed by Luke, and the Khais, Skywalkers, and Taalon remained on the planet to investigate more into Abeloth. They soon learned that Abeloth had not actually died, and in their ensuing search they found a Force nexus, the Pool of Knowledge, where a duel broke out. Khai lost his forearm to Luke's lightsaber, but the Jedi fled. Khai and Taalon then sent Vestara on a mission to spy on the Jedi, pretending that she had fled from the Sith. Khai left in Ship with Taalon—who had begun to transform into an Abeloth-like being—and met up with other members of the Sith's war fleet. Khai and the Sith later forced the Jedi on the moon Pydyr to help them find Abeloth. Upon locating the Force-sensitive Fallanassi who were hiding her, Khai held one of them hostage while Taalon questioned another, Akanah. Gavar killed the hostage on Taalon's orders, and Akanah—who was possessed by Abeloth—drove Khai mad with visions until Vestara knocked him out. He was awakened by Luke in time to hear the Jedi praise Vestara for killing Taalon, and Vestara knocked him out again and fled with the Jedi. Nevertheless, Vestara soon informed Khai that Abeloth was on the planet Nam Chorios. Khai led a flotilla to the world to kill Luke and defeat or capture Abeloth, but they were ambushed by a Jedi fleet and forced to retreat. Abeloth subsequently offered an alliance; Khai brought her to Kesh, but she betrayed the Sith and destroyed their city, killing, among others, Lahka. Still, Gavar decided to follow Abeloth, and he and nine other Sabers soon encountered Vestara, the Skywalkers, and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo on the planet Dromund Kaas. In the ensuing duel, Gavar was killed by his daughter.