| - Season Fifteen of South Park began on April 27, 2011. This is almost two months later than most seasons due to Matt and Trey's Broadway musical, The Book of Mormon, in production and premiering during March, when the season usually begins. According to an interview with Matt and Trey, no writers' retreat took place this year as a result. This season, like Season Eight and onwards, consists of fourteen episodes.
| - Season Fifteen of South Park began on April 27, 2011. This is almost two months later than most seasons due to Matt and Trey's Broadway musical, The Book of Mormon, in production and premiering during March, when the season usually begins. According to an interview with Matt and Trey, no writers' retreat took place this year as a result. This season, like Season Eight and onwards, consists of fourteen episodes. Season Fifteen is being called "The Year of the Fan". It is called such because of celebration for South Park's devoted fans. The episodes themselves have even thrown back to previous seasons, featuring Eric Cartman's original catchphrases returning. It has also featured the first appearance of Tuong Lu Kim and Karen McCormick since Season Nine, and the reappearances of Ugly Bob, Scott the Dick, and Mr. Adler. Notably some characters have underwent changes since Season Fourteen. Cartman has matured slightly and has stopped antagonizing Kyle frequently, although he still reacts to the smallest of situations and remains equally harsh and critical. Stan developed a cynicism problem in the episode "You're Getting Old" and was ignored by the boys up until the end of the episode "Ass Burgers" and Kyle has started to develop a closer relationship with Cartman. The truth of Tuong Lu Kim is revealed in City Sushi. The mid-season finale, "You're Getting Old" possibly hinted towards a two-parter between the season's halves, which would force fans to wait for a conclusion 120 days after "You're Getting Old" aired. As a result, many fans were unsure of the series' future, but on July 27th, Season Sixteen and Season Seventeen were confirmed.