| - The Hapes Consortium was the ruling government and consortium of the Hapes Cluster. A hereditary monarchy based on the capital world of Hapes, it ruled over the region in isolation since before 3,000 BBY, protected by the Transitory Mists. It spanned 63 closely positioned star systems, each with an inhabited world.
- The Hapes Consortium was the ruling government and consortium of the Hapes Cluster. A hereditary monarchy based on the capital world of Hapes, it ruled over the region in isolation since before 3000 BBY, protected by the Transitory Mists. It spanned 63 closely positioned star systems, each with an inhabited world.
- The Hapes Consortium, also known unofficially as the Herpes Consort, were fascist Hapan bitches dykes babes of the galaxy, who are somehow considered the good guys. Oh, and did you know they hate the Jedi Order, all because, like, three thousand years ago, the Jedi busted up their ancient gang of pirates? Pretty pathetic to hold a grudge for that long, but then, that doesn't even hold a candle to the Sith's gripe-fest. During the Swarm War, Jacen Solo convinced the Hapans to fight on the side of the buggers.
- A total of 63 inhabited planets set in a cluster of stars never charted by space travelers. The systems, shrouded in mystery to this day, are home to a government that strikes fear in the hearts of many a pirate. Owing its name to the cluster, the Hapes Consortium has remained off-limits to outsiders for centuries. Yet times are changing, and as the universe takes on a more complex shape so too do the ripples touch the outer borders of Hapes. In recent times the Consortium, in an unprecedented gesture, opened the system of Lorell to the galaxy.
| - The Hapes Consortium, also known unofficially as the Herpes Consort, were fascist Hapan bitches dykes babes of the galaxy, who are somehow considered the good guys. Oh, and did you know they hate the Jedi Order, all because, like, three thousand years ago, the Jedi busted up their ancient gang of pirates? Pretty pathetic to hold a grudge for that long, but then, that doesn't even hold a candle to the Sith's gripe-fest. During the Swarm War, Jacen Solo convinced the Hapans to fight on the side of the buggers. At the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, the Hapes Consortium was ruled by a one-armed hottie named Tenel Ka who, despite her baby face, could whip your arse with a lightsaber any day of the week. She had a fling with soon-to-be Sith Lord Jacen Solo, giving birth to a little Jedi baby named Allana. Okay, so then, a bunch of old-fashioned party-poopers Jedi from the old order decided that it wasn't a good thing to be ruled by a Sith (ya think?), and they started a revolt. This, however, was swiftly put in its place, and the Hapans were free to continue bucking three millennia of "tradition", which is always a good thing. One hundred years later, they had developed into a macrocosm of Switzerland; wealthy, neutral, and every citizen an assault rifle.
- The Hapes Consortium was the ruling government and consortium of the Hapes Cluster. A hereditary monarchy based on the capital world of Hapes, it ruled over the region in isolation since before 3,000 BBY, protected by the Transitory Mists. It spanned 63 closely positioned star systems, each with an inhabited world.
- The Hapes Consortium was the ruling government and consortium of the Hapes Cluster. A hereditary monarchy based on the capital world of Hapes, it ruled over the region in isolation since before 3000 BBY, protected by the Transitory Mists. It spanned 63 closely positioned star systems, each with an inhabited world.
- A total of 63 inhabited planets set in a cluster of stars never charted by space travelers. The systems, shrouded in mystery to this day, are home to a government that strikes fear in the hearts of many a pirate. Owing its name to the cluster, the Hapes Consortium has remained off-limits to outsiders for centuries. With little interest in the scheming galactic struggle for fleeting power of dominion, the Consortium finds all that matters most in the comforts of home. That of the Cluster. The fierce Royal Hapan Armed Forces has long protected the borders of this home. No one enters, at pain of death. Yet times are changing, and as the universe takes on a more complex shape so too do the ripples touch the outer borders of Hapes. In recent times the Consortium, in an unprecedented gesture, opened the system of Lorell to the galaxy. Much good has come out of this decision, turning the quiet peripheral system into a bustling centre of both cultural and economic supremacy. But traditions do not change overnight, and the rest of the Cluster still remains shut from the outside world. Waiting to be discovered. Join now and be part of a culture steeped in tradition, quickening to a world that lies waiting. Join now, and discover your true self. Your destiny awaits.