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- Diamond City is the largest city in Pensino and, within the campaign, also the most complex location. Players could spend half a dozen sessions here and still have things left to do.
- Diamond City znane także jako Zielony Klejont Wspólnoty - największe miasto we Wspólnocie, najbezpieczniejsze osiedle regionu oraz centrum handlu we Wspólnocie, konkurujące pod tym względem tylko z Bunker Hill.
- Diamond City stellt die erste Strecke im Wario Cup in Mario Kart Arcade GP und Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 dar.
- Diamond City est une ville de Fallout 4. La colonie est basée dans la structure d'avant-guerre du Fenway Park, stade de baseball de Boston. Certains habitants de Diamond City portent des tenues de baseball et brandissent des battes. Il est possible d'avoir comme compagnon venant de cette ville Piper la journaliste et Nick Valentine le détective.
- Diamond City is a city where a lot of rich people live (and is Wario's 2nd living town) the top lo cations and hangouts in Diamond City are WarioWare, Club Sugar, and the Creative Sociaty. It appears in the WarioWare series. Wario claims that it is "his city." No one knows where it is located, it's on Earth, but not in the Mushroom world where Wario comes from (mostly from various statements made by Orbulon.) But there are still rumors that it is in the Mushroom world. Wario also states that it is a "sparkling gem of metropolis." Here, Wario and his friends have partys and mostly live there. Once Wario hired Waluigi (WarioWare: Showing Off) and his games were called weirdoweegee's Strange games. Apparently, Waluigi's favorite place in Diamond City is Club Sugar.
- Diamond City es una localización en Fallout 4.
- Diamond City - To miasto pojawia się w WarioWarre (seria). Wario stwierdza, że to jego miasto. Ta strona, to zalążek artykułu.
- Diamond City, commonly referred to as "The Great Green Jewel," is a fortified settlement in the Commonwealth. This settlement is based on the pre-War structure of Fenway Park, its distinctive "Green Monster" color visible on the reinforced walls. The city guards can be seen wearing baseball jerseys with umpire's pads and helmets, reflecting the location's former use.
- Diamond City is where a Wario, Mona, Young Cricket, Jimmy T, Ashley, Penny, Dribble&Spitz, and some other friends live.
- Diamond City is a large city and self governing state within the Mushroom Kingdom. It is the primary setllement of the Human species and is located far enough away from the Capital that it is almost never involved in political situations.
- Diamond City, unter Ödländern auch das "große grüne Juwel" genannt, ist eine stark bewachte Siedlung im Commonwealth in Fallout 4. Die Siedlung baut auf dem Vorkriegs-Baseballstadion "Fenway Park" auf, das seit 1912 das Heimstadion der Boston Red Sox ist.