- The month of Hunting is the 5th month in the Neopian calendar. It corresponds to the Earth month of May.
- Hunting is a minigame from Suikoden: The Woven Web of a Century. It's located at the upper right corner of the headquarter.
- Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting because hunting implies failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
- Hunting is a movie created by Jae Jung Ahn.
- Hunting (migava) is the stalking, chasing and killing of wild animals. In pre-historic times and even today amongst some primitive tribes people hunted to provide themselves with food or to supplement their diets. Today nearly all hunting is done for sport, entertainment or as proof of courage. Buddhism has always disapproved of hunting because it involves cruelty and killing and is unnecessary. Buddhist kings rarely indulged in hunting and few palaces or royal residences in Buddhist countries are decorated with hunting scenes as are those in many other cultures. Several Jàtaka stories criticize hunting for sport and try to evoke sympathy for the victimized animals (Ja.I,145-54).
- Hunting is a 2nd season episode of House which first aired on November 22, 2005. A man with full blown AIDS follows House home and demands to be treated by him. When House agrees, his condition continues to deteriorate, but the answer may be in his father. Meanwhile, Stacy needs House's help to capture a rat which becomes House's pet Steve McQueen.
- Hunting is a "sport" that involves killing things that are alive for no good reason other than fun. Hence it is a common activity for Pro-life activists. Conservative hunters tend to desecrate the bodies of their hunt, cutting off heads, making jokes about the animals' deaths and generally being unpleasant. Real hunting is that which is done purely for food and not "sport", people who do this are much more likely to kill the animal in a way which causes the least amount of suffering possible and still displays respect for the animal. De-popularized by Bambi.
- When activated, Heller is capable of sending a viral sonar pulse to isolate his target among a group. This power can be mutated to detect targets at large distances. As this ability evolves, Heller can see through his targets and detect if they were being watched.
- Hunting is a side-activity featured in Grand Theft Auto V. It can only be accessed by Trevor Philips between 5:00 and 21:00.
- Man is the most impressive of predators, for Nature saw fit to give him no advantages. He had to fashion his own fangs, carve his own claws. And now even the greatest of the beasts fear him.--Doras Kelt, Ranger
- Giganoid #5: Hunting (ギガノイド第5番 狩 Giganoido #5: Kari?, 19-20): Based on an anchor and various weapons, using its Shining Arrow attack. Killed by Abarenoh Cutter, and is later brought back in a new form, La Chasse Chapter 2 with a new gun weapon. It was killed again by Killeroh.
- But don't we need to keep the land open to hunters to qualify for an LMF grant?
- Someone who tracks down criminals could also be considered a hunter. And a criminal who stalks and murders someone could also be engaged in a "hunt." There are many superheroes and supervillains alike who are skillful hunters.
- Hunting is a keyword shared among each of the 5 monocolored civilizations.
- Hunting is a very useful Kai Discipline, as it allows Lone Wolf to substitute using this Discipline in lieu of consuming a Meal, thus saving on Backpack space. However, since the ability to Hunt relies on the location, it isn't always available to use, especially in wastelands or very foreign areas. As a secondary use, it allows Lone Wolf to sometimes identify harmful substances and provides knowledge about animals and their habits. It also functions as a "Sneaking" skill.
- Skin - skinned from carcass Bone - carcass left to decay at daily server reload
- Hunting animals to kill and then harvest their flesh is an efficient means to acquire food and materials in The Long Dark. __TOC__
- Undertake the quest from Planted Agent in the Mountain Brigands, to kill the war wolves raised by the Mounted Brigand.
- Several missions in the Patapon games offer an opportunity for hunting. In these missions, the Patapons will find a variety of animals to defeat for meat and other items. Apart from the animals themselves, the hunting grounds will have secrets of their own. Mastering the hunt is a key aspect of Patapon gameplay, as it provides an easy source of low-level Materials-and occasionally, far bigger prizes.
- Hunting is a manly activity that far surpasses other activities in machismo.
- Hunting (Perception) Hunting is the skill of those characters who are skilled in all manner of outdoor skills, as falconry, tracking, make fire... It is considered a High and Lore Skill.
- During the Golden Age of Piracy, the Assassin Edward Kenway and other pirates tracked and hunted whales and sharks for various purposes, such as meat and oil production. Edward would harpoon at known whale locations using the Jackdaw's whaleboat. He also hunted several species of terrestrial animal present on the islands and in the cities of the Caribbean.
- The guys and husbands go deer hunting, while the girls and wives stay at home and play poker, which Laurie cheats at so Kitty can win. Red has a heart-to-heart talk over his angry behavior towards Eric.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Hunting/preload editintro=Hunting/editintro width=25 New Hunting Wiki Coming Soon
- This campaign is pretty straightforward, since no enemies and threats are present. The only thing the player should look out for are Alligators lurking around near the coastal areas of the Map. Since the player must create 6 Villagers (the mission starts with one already available), is required to accomplish the mission, along with to build a House to support enough Population to sustain that amount of Villagers. Collect the required resources, build or train these units and the mission will be complete.
- Hunting is the recreation of pursuing meat animals because they are yummy. Especially medium rare, with some sauteed mushrooms and a side of asparagus. Yum. Makes me want to cunt. But I digress.
- When you accept this quest, you will be transported to a wilderness area that will have at least 10 monsters. All of the monsters will be hostile (even when they would normally be neutral). The goal is to defeat all of them. When they are all killed, you can leave the area to finish and get your reward from the quest giver. The quest can be failed by leaving early or dying; if you die here, the normal death penalties are not applied and you re-spawn where you left off. Failing the quest will result in fame loss.
- Hunting is one of the two methods by which players can get meat, the other being trapping (unless you're willing to go in village and buy your meal). Hunting animals also provides a source of leather and fur, which can be made into clothing or other useful things. The most common and successful hunting tactic is simple: sneak up to the prey (using the [H] hide command) and kill it with your weapon of choice. Often, this will be a ranged weapon of some sort, usually either a bow or javelins. Usually the head or body is targeted in order to bring down the animal as quickly as possible.
- Hunting was the practice of pursuing any living thing for food, recreation, or trade. Gallifreyans outside of the Time Lord citadel used spears and bows to hunt for food. (TV: The Invasion of Time) Count Grendel of Gracht kept Taran wood beasts on his estate for hunting. (TV: The Androids of Tara) Redvers Fenn-Cooper was on a hunting trip in Africa when he saw a bright light that sent him mad. While at Gabriel Chase, Cooper allied himself with Josiah Samuel Smith in the hope of hunting Queen Victoria. (TV: Ghost Light) On the Cheetah World, the Cheetah people hunted humans. (TV: Survival)
- Hunting is the practice of killing or trapping animals, or pursuing or tracking them with the intent of doing so. Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly done by humans for food, recreation, to remove predators that are dangerous to humans or domestic animals, or for trade. Lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching, which is the illegal killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species. The species that are hunted are referred to as game or prey and are usually mammals and birds. __TOC__
- Cats and dogs in The Sims 3: Pets have one skill of their very own, called hunting. Cats can hunt for minor pets (rodents, reptiles, birds, etc.) and beetles. Dogs can "sniff out collectables" to pick up rocks, metals, gems, and "special" fragmented collectables. Both cats and dogs can "fail" at hunting and pick up worthless junk, usually (shed) snake skins, feathers, maple leaves, and chip bags. Cats have the option of eating their prey; or it can be kept as another pet, sold for cash, or released back into the wild.
- While hunting, skyrates encounter pirates more often than on a normal flight leg, and usually more often than a risky flight, dependent on your Perception level and Navigator level. Currently, the only mechanism for increasing the probability of combats during hunts is the skill Perception. The effects of Perception are detailed on that page, however it suffices to say that Hunting is generally not worthwhile until one has a Perception of 4 or higher. A Perception skill of 5 is sufficient to get one combat added to the queue every five minutes without fail, barring the first combat which may take longer to appear.