| - Commentator: GOAL! This is a landslide victory! The Royal Academy has shown its true power. (You can see a marker that clearly marks a victory of 16-0 in favor of Royal. Sinister silhouettes of players are looking to single players on the field, tired and scratches) ???? I'm sorry I have broken the soccer field. Remember how the Royal acts truth? Coach other team: Yes.... (while the unknown man, takes a role with permission for demolition.) ????: Signature. The losers are not entitled to anything Sinister player: Forward (A large dark bus begins to tear down the "Krither" school) (Club Raimon school football.) Mark: Boys will train.... (While others are playing the DS or eating potatoes), BUT OS HAPPENS WITH THE TIME WE MAKE NO TRAINING! Kevin: And you got reserve the field? Mark: And if we ask the basketball to leave us a gap? Steve: As you notice that you do not know... Tod: What for? Why you laugh at us? Sam: I have complex if they laugh, I'll have to go to a psychologist. Jack: What good are these Lays. Timy: Crane Pose! Mark: We are a football team and we have to train - he says angry voice - football tournament frontier guys, sure that we reach as high! Is not that if Jack? Jack: Yeah, right... Mark: Let Tod, Steve... Tod: But if you can not play with so few players... Mark: Have if you have joined this team is because you want to play it? I'm Buff - Close the door violently while pulling the fucking sign that this hanging that says "Football Club" Steve: But why it gets so for a simple sport? Kevin: In addition to that you want to train if we close the club soon.. All: WHAT WILL CLOSE THE CLUB? (While Mark, was kicking a ball as it came Silvia, her childhood friend) Silvia: Mark!! Mark: Oh are you Silvia! Silvia: I am sorry not to have gotten the field Mark: It's okay, we're going you have to do! Silvia: And other than making slacker by no truth? Mark: Well girl, as always... Silvia: Do you want to take them anger? Mark: No... I need Silvia of while I will train in the field of Ribera del Rio to train with my children. Are you coming? Silvia: Come let's go! (In the park of the river bank) Mark trains with small. A boy who was passing by was the stares. One child shoots and almost gives men passed by. The kids start to mess with Mark. Ghoulish 1: How you're Raimon? Ghoulish 2: Are you of that institute is not able to get some players to fill the team? (The ghoulish one shoots the ball against a young girl and the guy who was watching them stopped the shot and gives you with the ball in the face ghoulish) Girl: Thank you for saving Mark: That chut so good. You play football? Do you want to train with us? The mysterious boy leaves without saying anything. Mark comes home, look at the photo of his grandfather and tells him what happened. The next day at school.... Mark: But if it's..... Teacher: This is Axel Blaze a new high school student and comes Kirwood Mark: Hi Axel I am the team captain Mark school football. Do you want to join our club? Axel: I left football forever and Mark: Why? Axel: That you do not mind Steve: Mark the director wants to see you (In the director's office) Mark: Did you want to talk about? Wintersea: We have organized a friendly next week Mark: A friendly? Against whom? Wintersea: Against the Royal Academy boy Mark: WHAT! They are the best in the country! I would play but we are only 7 players. Nelly: Well, it takes to find more members. Ahh and if you do not get or not gain you close the club. We will not spend more money on such virrioso team that all he does is play DS and eat like pigs (In the dugout football) All: What are we going to play against those? Mark: You have to win anyway. I find a few pinches players to fill the team All: But if we lose Jack: Now you can say goodbye to this barrack Mark: I will not give up. Mark is looking for more players by the institute and takes a fucking sign that says "The football club players looking") Someone follows Mark to see what he does. Nathan: So football Mark: Nathan you want to face the best right? If you are interested you know where to find me Nathan: But if I meant the best athletics.... Willy: What I will point to this disaster club? In any case let me know when you just need a player. Mark: Why? Willy: To save the team and become a pimp. So I do popular and incidentally I give a sack Max: It's a shame Celia: I am Celia school newspaper. Can you give me give some interesting news? Mark: That the football club looking for players. Tell them all. (Celia anime style falls while makes a great aix) Silvia: Boys but what are going, how can you sit idly by while Mark looks for people? You are not players or you are nothing. Todd: You're right. Silvia're like Mark (Others say the same and Silvia falls to the anime style) Mark goes to the park of the Tower and is Axel and tells him he has a match against the Royal Academy. Mark tries to convince him to join the team. Axel: Your kid, you let me. Do not talk to me! Axel leaves angry and Mark begins to train with wheels and with notebook techniques grandfather. Nathan casually passing by. Nathan: If you train hard Nathan Mark teaches his grandfather's notebook. Nathan looks while you drop droplet and asks you how you can read it. Mark tells the story of his grandfather. Nathan: You win. I'm in the team Mark: Thank you Nathan Some bushes out the rest of the team and say they also want special training. The next day... Mark: Guys I present a new player. It is called Max Max: So I do something and I can not get bored Kevin: Is your you go huh? Max: No play football but I will go getting the hang. It may not be very difficult to shoot a ball and put it into a goal. If they can me too Steve: But we remain above 9 and noticed an evil presence Mark: We are 10 Jim also has joined Jim: I've signed up to leave the world of shadows and to stop being invisible Someone knocks on the door of the house Silvia was coming with someone Mark: And who are you? Silvia: I just met....He wants to join the team.... Andrea: Hello I'm Andrea and I'm new. I saw you were looking for players and would like to sign up Mark: All right! Now we can play The Royal Academy comes to Raimon. A big bus out players. Celia: But if it's..... Jude: It will be an interesting match. what will destroy Waldon: Do not rely both Jude Jude: Shut your player filling. We are going to have fun Mark: Mark Evans'm the team captain. Jude: As this is the first time we come...Do you mind if calentemos a little? Mark: As ye The Royal start to warm up and all are amazed by his speed and strength. Mark: This game will be very interesting!!! In the next chapter..... Start the game against the Royal Academy. What kind of chuts have? The real power of Andrea will be discovered. All this in the next chapter of Inazuma Eleven "Here is the Royal Academy". This is football red hot!!