| - A colloquial term for the in-character area on the GarouMUSH server, where roleplay takes place.
- Grid – mapa multiplayer w Call of Duty: Black Ops.
- グリッドと読む。複数のSIMを接続したひとつの世界のこと。 セカンドライフにおいては以下のグリッドが存在している。
* Main Grid(メイン・グリッド) - 通常使用されているグリッド
* Teen Grid(ティーン・グリッド) - 13~17才を対象とした専用グリッド
* Beta Grid(ベータ・グリッド) - 試験用グリッド その他、特殊企業向けに専用グリッドが存在した(する?)という話を聞いたことがあるが未確認。また、Open SLという活動のなかでは独自解析によって開発されたサーバー・ソフトウェアによる OpenSimが実験されており、これらを接続したグリッドも起動されている。(※公式グリッドとの接続は現状不可)。 オープンも含めたサーバーの接続、グリッドの接続などの話題は Zero Linden氏によるオフィス・アワーで取り扱われていることが多いがみな非常に多弁かつ専門的なので参加には覚悟が必要かもしれない。
- The Grid was the name of the global power distribution system on planet Donico II. In 2267, the Grid was on the verge of overload, threatening to explode every powered device hooked into it and potentially kill a significant number of Donicans. The Donican political leadership, however, denied any potential problems for fear of unsettling the population. However, a dissident group, the FreeSpeakers, sent a distress call off planet, which was intercepted by the USS Enterprise. Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, with the assistance of Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, were able to convince the Donicans of the need for action, and to begin repairs to the Grid. (TOS short story: "See No Evil")
- An interface option that displays movement squares each representing a parsec. To turn it on while in a game go to menu/interface/display options and select "show grid". There is also a keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+G" that toggles the grid on and off.
- シャイニング 磁北に風なく 鳥はカゴで帰途を奏でる 煌々と照らすディスプレイ 夜は無音 調べのGRID シューティング 散弾の軌跡に やせて 娘 時を重ねる ザーザーと騒ぐディスプレイ 空は無色 カラーはGRID シャイニング 磁北に風なく 鳥はカゴで帰途を奏でる 煌々と照らすディスプレイ 夜は無音 調べのGRID
- A Grid is an area in which a city is built. It's maintained by an organization, such as the Army or the Meister Guild.
- Grid is a map in Combat Simulator that is a all-tiled two story building with an elevator that can be used to reach the second floor and, on the second story in front of the elevator, a glass floor. The map has a main room at near the end of the map below the glass floor which can be reached in 5 different routes, and usually serves as the warzone. Another larger room is found at the back of the map and contains the elevator at its end, on the other containing a locked door that is probably an exit, and on either side of the elevator are hallways to the main room as well.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Grid is a Xenomorph that appeared in Alien vs. Predator as the secondary antagonist. It, along with its siblings, is loyal to the Xenomorph Queen.
- Note: Some squares in grid 4-7 are incomplete
- See Smart Grid.
- Grid (англ. Сетка) — мультиплеерная карта в игре Call of Duty: Black Ops.
- The grid is the 'highway' of Rubi-Ka. you can bypass the annoyance of Whom-pahs and get to you target city within seconds. the downside is that you need some skill in computer literacy.
* Grid-Infos on ao.stratics.com
* Grid maps
* Grid maps black & white
- Grid ist eine mittelgroße Multiplayermap aus Call of Duty: Black Ops.thumb|Ein Blick auf Grid
- The Grid is the Crime Syndicate's counterpart of Cyborg. It is a malevolent artificial intelligence that takes control of Cyborg's robotic enhancements. Unlike the other members of the Syndicate, the Grid is from Earth Prime rather than Earth 3.
- The grid is used to refer to the 32x32 tile area where Chip's Challenge is played. The grid's squares are marked as X/Y coordinates, from [0, 0] to [31, 31] in level editors and in solution guides, commonly to refer to connections of traps or clone machines, or to indicate where a specific object is found at. This is the grid blank: The grid has two layers: the upper and lower grid. More on The grid in play.
- The Grid is a feature that is only in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!. It is where you can play all of the microgames and try to pass the microgame by playing it over and over again a number of times. To get a microgame on there you must beat it at least once. When you pass a microgame you get a flower. When you get all the microgames on the grid you unlock a game called Pyro and when you get a flower on each game you get the sequel to Pyro called Pyro 2. In the other games there is a album which is the same thing.
- Objeto de interface usado para exibição de dados de forma tabular... Propriedades Métodos Eventos Master Detail
- Grid was killed when Scar destroyed the entire pyramid with his Self-Destruct Device.
- The Grid is a vast part of the Tron system, programmed by Kevin Flynn. Often referred to by Flynn as his "digital frontier", the Grid was made to provide an experimental platform where all forms of research could be carried out at unparalleled speeds. Perceived time on the Grid is measured in cycles and run at a pace far greater than time perceived in the real world, thus allowing anyone immersed in the computer environment to perform the same functions in a fraction of the time it would take them otherwise.
- Grids are levels underground or inside buildings. They are used for caves, sewers, catacombs, temples and the like. Grids are distinguished from terrains by the following features:
* They must be walled around, walls can only be erected on a raster of squares with 5m side length.
* The ground is always flat. You may have several levels, though.
* Grids can only be connected to terrains or other grids by portals.
* Each grid must have exactly one tileset, which specifies the look of ground and walls. It also contains possible features and portal entries you can use with that tileset.
- Grid – ksenomorf, robotnica, przywódca watahy obcych w pierwszej części AvP. Grid narodził się z ciała jednej z członkiń ekspedycji naukowej, Adele Rousseau. Odznaczał się ponadprzeciętnym sprytem i agresją. Zabił jednego z Predatorów przebijając go ogonem podnosząc do góry i dobijając wewnętrzną szczęką. Z drugim stoczył zaciekłą walkę; w jej wyniku na jego ciele powstały charakterystyczne krwawe ślady po siatce pneumatycznej. Stracił również ostrze ogonowe, lecz zdołał zabić przeciwnika.
- Das Grid ist eine Transportform, die von den neusten technologischen Möglichkeiten gebrauch macht, die auf Rubi-Ka existieren. An bestimmten Eingangspunkten wird der Körper mithilfe der Nanotechnologie aufgelöst, in digitale Form umgewandelt und ins Grid gestellt. Wenn man sich im Grid befindet muss man nur wenige Schritte gehen um von einem zu einem anderen Ausgangspunkt zu gelangen, obwohl der Ausgangspunkt in Wirklichkeit auf der anderen Seite des Planeten liegt. Ist man einmal drin, stellt sich das Grid als ein großer blauer Raum da und man selbst wird als kleine blaue Pyramide angezeigt, die man mit den normalen Steuerungstasten bewegen kann (auch Springen). Man kann sich auch hinsetzen, was allerdings zu keiner grafischen Änderung führt. Wenn man sich also nach einigen unkontrolliert
- Second Life's world is made up of a grid of servers that run sims. The world itself is often referred to as "the grid". There are currently two grids available for public use, Agni is referred to as the "Main Grid, and Aditi, the Preview Grid for public beta testing. A special beta Grid, Uma, is available for testing development versions of the open source Second Life Client by external developers. There are possibly other grids for Linden Lab use as well. Teen SL is often thought to be on a separate grid as well, but in fact it exists on Agni. The edit window's edit pane has a Use Grid option.