| - Sniper Rifles were a class of weapons in the Matrix Online and were long ranged. The Sniper discipline abilities are able to take advantage of using the sniper rifle.
- Sniper rifles are powerful, long range rifles that give an AC the ability to engage targets from a distance while keeping out of harms way. Sniper rifles are also notorious for having high velocity, making it easier to hit your target. When combined with short range weapons, the sniper rifle gives your AC the ability to engage targets at any range, making you more of a threat. Sniper rifles also have a small lock on reticle, making it sometimes difficult to hit your target. There are 2 different types of sniper rifles.
- A list of the various sniper rifles found throughout the series.
- A Sniper Rifle is a type of gun that is very accurate and is used for long-ranged attacks. Location: "Death Of A Showman": Found in tower. "A Dance With The Devil": In Eve's office next to her desk. Location: "Till Death Do Us Part": In LeBlanc's room. Location: "The Murder Of Crows": In the room Raymond Kulinsky is in.
- Sniper Rifles are a long ranged weapon that fire a single, high velocity and high damage projectile. They are used by the Infiltrator to take out enemy units from distances other weapons can't match, they come in two forms. Bolt Action and Semi-Automatic, bolt actions are one shot kills to the head and semi-automatics are two headshots. The odd ducks are the Terran Republic's TRAP-M1, with a burst fire mode that makes it more suited to medium range and the Vanu Sovereignty's Phaseshift VX-S that has an infinite amount of ammo but uses an "overheating mechanic" allowing for almost no need to carry the ammunition belt can fire in a charge fire mode allowing for both long range and medium range combat. Oddly enough, some variants have iron sights.
- The sniper rifle is a weapon that be wielded exclusively by Commandos. It has the best accuracy of any weapon in the game and can take down almost anything, including Jeeps and Planes when used in conjunction with Piercing Shot, a commando ability which increases the sniper rifles power greatly. All the snipers have very high accuracy but have different firing speeds and recoil. The Bad Company 2 snipers are not the same as the Medal of Honor weapons; the SVD and M95 are slow, and the SV98 and M21 are fast snipers with less recoil but lower damage.
- It is a common misconception that any scoped rifle is a sniper rifle, and while certain long guns are more suited for the application than others, it is the act of using a weapon strategically as a sniper that designates it as such. A typical sniper rifle is built for optimal levels of accuracy, fitted with a telescopic sight and chambered for a military centerfire cartridge. Despite this, not all rifles in the series have a scope. Almost all sniper rifles won't allow the player to move while aiming, except the Rifle and Marksman Rifle, this, however, doesn't apply to the enhanced version of Grand Theft Auto V.
- Sniper Rifles refers to both a type of weapon and its corresponding unlockable combat-oriented talent, available to Soldiers, Infiltrators, and the Turian Agent. The talent increases accuracy and damage with sniper rifles, and grants the Assassination ability. Tapping the "use" button ("E" on the PC) will zoom your view. It should be noted that the close-in view from a sniper rifle makes an excellent telescope, useful for scouting out enemies at a distance whether you fire at them or not. Sniper rifles have a rate of fire of 0.6, i. e. one shot every 1.67 seconds. See also: Sniper Guide