| - Gunha Teishin (逓信・軍覇, Teishin Gunha) is a Fōrun-juu that was a former member of the Royal Guard until he seemingly betrayed Soul Society to join Yuurei. Despite his low power, Gunha is cocky and cunning, though he is not without heart. He is thought to be the main antagonist of "A Certain Unlucky Person". However, it is revealed that he seemingly betrayed Soul Society to get revenge on "Eienrai", who is the one who destroyed his childhood friend Hizashi Yoshi emotionally, thus painting him in an anti-heroic light.
| - Gunha Teishin (逓信・軍覇, Teishin Gunha) is a Fōrun-juu that was a former member of the Royal Guard until he seemingly betrayed Soul Society to join Yuurei. Despite his low power, Gunha is cocky and cunning, though he is not without heart. He is thought to be the main antagonist of "A Certain Unlucky Person". However, it is revealed that he seemingly betrayed Soul Society to get revenge on "Eienrai", who is the one who destroyed his childhood friend Hizashi Yoshi emotionally, thus painting him in an anti-heroic light. At the climax of the storyline, Gunha finally seemingly destroys Eienrai, and goes on to help Gai defeat Yūrei. During the Rising Phoenix series, Gunha has explained his actions to the others and has joined Gai Nagareboshi's small group. In the end of the story, Gunha and Hizashi enter a relationship; which is quickly annulled by the events of Final Chapter. In Rising Phoenix: Final Chapter, after Izanami resets the universe and Gunha becomes the only living member of the group that intended to stop Izanami, he finds himself in a universe created to Izanami's specifications and is subsequently dogged by Izanami as the last remaining enemy to her perfect world. Gunha runs to his ghost room and tricks Izanami into inserting the Anteishi Setsura disc into his head. With his new power, Gunha subsequently fills the room with concentrated oxygen and effectively disables Izanami. Gunha ignores Izanami's last angry pleas to spare her, saying that walking the path of justice is fate, and Gunha kills God of Death with a powerful blast of spiritual energy, after which the universe resets again. Gunha becomes the only person of the original timeline to survive and still retain his memories in the alternate timeline. Gunha is then the main protagonist of Rising Phoenix: Broken Mirror.