Attributes | Values |
| - River Journey/Allegiances
| - FirePelt's doing ThunderClan!
| - Thrushstar - Sandy gray she-cat with white paws and tail tip and brown eyes
- Fallenstar - large ginger and white tom
- Silverstar - Silver and white she-cat
- To be decided!
- Teller of the Speckeled Moon - Silver she-cat with white specks and green eyes.
To-be: Sun that Dapples Rock - Maroon colored she-cat with ginger specks and amber eyes.
- Duskstar- young black tom with gray paws and amber eyes
- Deathstar- A small black she-cat with small, white patches and blue eyes. Family of Scourge.
Apprentice: Ice
| - Larkpaw - Dark brown tabby she-cat with brown eyes
Spiderpaw - Black tom with brown eyes
Poppypaw - Long-limbed black she-cat with a brown underbelly and chest and yellow eyes
Spiritpaw - White she-cat with a fluffy black chest, underbelly, muzzle and tail tip with green eyes
- Dustpaw- ginger tom.Clawpaw- black she-cat with long claws.Darkpaw- dark gray tom with black stripes. Previously a rogue.
- To be decided!
- Ice- A silver she-cat with bright blue eyes.
Mentor: Deathstar
Hound- A black tom with stumpy tail and brown ubderbody and paws with hazel eyes.
Mentor: Blaze
Thunder- A black she-cat with golden patches and green eyes. Lightning and Rain's brother.
Mentor: Dark
Lightning- Black tom with white lightning stripe across back. Thunder and Rain's brother
Mentor: Dread
Rain- A dark grey tabby with blue eyes. Thunder and Lightning's sister.
Mentor: Drina
Leaf- A light brown tabby she-cat with bright green eyes.
Mentor: Leopard
- Whitepaw - White she-cat with yellow eyes
Mosspaw - White tom with brown spots
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| - Dawnheart- previous leader of SkyClan. Black tom.
- Dawnflight - Dusky gray she-cat with green eyes
Blacktail - Black tom with blue eyes
Blindfall - Blind white tom with blue eyes and a black of fur on his shoulder
- To be decided!
- Birch- Tortoiseshell she-cat. Is blinded in one eye due to battle practice.
Nala- Elderly brown and white she-cat.
Spider- Black and grey tom with one blue eye and a green eye.
- Tree Alone from Forest - Brown she-cat with gree eyes.
- Barkleaf - Brown tom with yellow eyes
Lostear - Reddish orange she-cat with orange eyes
| - Vividrose- black tabby she-cat. Mate of Kestrelclaw.
- Penny- Brown she-cat.
Mate: Skull
Kits: Shiver- Beige she-cat with front white paws.
Blood- White tom with brown flecks and red eyes.
Goldie- A golden she-cat with blue eyes.
Mate: Blaze
Kits: None yet.
- To be decided!
- Poppyseed - pale ginger she-cat, mother of: Fallowkit , Brindlekit
Rainflower - grey she-cat, mother of: Jadekit
Daisynose - black and white she-cat, mother of: Spiderkit , Jetkit
- Harestep - Light brown she-cat with yellow eyes
Tigerfang - Dark ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a single black paw
- kit- mothers
Feather that Falls from Sky - Silver tabby with turqiose eyes. Named after Feathertail.
Mate: Crow
Kits: Bramble that Spikes through Wall - Brown tabby tom. Named after Brambleclaw.
Squirrel that Flies Over Cliff - Ginger she-cat. Named after Squirrelpaw.
Storm that Crashes in Sky - Gray tom, named after Stormfur.
- Sootpetal - Dark gray, black, and white striped she-cat
Stripedfur - Black and gray tabby she-cat, mother of Littlekit , Snakekit , and Pebblekit
| - Blaze- White tom with ginger stripe along his back and brown eyes.
Apprentice: Hound
- Mousepelt - Brown tom with white paws and yellow eyes
- Firepelt - Handsom, muscular, battle scarred ginger tom with emerald eyes
- To be decided!
- Venomgaze- brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
- Windwhisker - small grey tabby she-cat
| - Duskcloud - dark cream she-cat
- None, but Shard usually heals injured cats.
- To be decided!
- Dewwhisper - White and yellow she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice, Mosspaw
- Cloudheart - Fluffy white she-cat with a black tail and ears and amber eyes
- Frostwhisker- gray she-cat with a white muzzle and soft blue eyesApprentice, Dustpaw
| - Blackheart - Large, muscular black she-cat with a gray chest and underbelly, and red coloured eyes
Foxheart - Ginger she-cat with gray eyes
Leafstream - Brown and white tabby with green eyes
Icetail - Small, white tom with frosty blue eyes
Rockclaw - Large gray tom with amber eyes
Hawkheart - Ginger she-cat with black paws and yellow eyes
Birchleaf - Small light brown tabby tom with a white chest and brown eyes
Patchclaw - White and black tom with blue eyes
Sparrowflight - Dark brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Leafstorm - Mottled gray she-cat with a brown chest
Whiteclaw - Small white she-cat with dark blue eyes
Willowshine - Mottled tan she-cat with darker tabby stripes and amber eyes
Flameheart - Mottled flame-colored she-cat with a green and a blue eye
- Iceheart
- To be decided!
- Featherheart- a tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. A senior Warrior.Ruinstone- stone gray tom with green eyes. A senior warrior.Apprentice, Clawpaw'Kestrelclaw- white tabby tom with blue eyes. A senior Warrior.Shadowstorm- black tabby she-cat with green eyesJayheart- ginger tabby tom with blue eyes.Leafheart- ginger and white she-cat with green eyes.Cinderfur- gray tom with green eyes.Serpantheart- sly brown tabby she-cat.Raggedheart- muscular mottled brown tom.'Apprentice, DarkpawWitherclaw- young black and white she-cat.Goldfur- golden tom.
- Iceclaw - White tom with blue eyes
Graytail - Gray she-cat with white tail
Emberclaw - Reddish orange tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Whitepaw
Rabbittail - White she-cat with yellow eyes
- Daemon- Blue grey tom with white eyes. Senior and Deathstar's assistant.
Shard- A brown tabby she-cat with white underbody and green eyes. Senior.
Skull- A brown tom with white spots along his back and blue eyes. Senior.
Dark- A grey tom with blood-red eyes. Brother of Dread and Drina.
Apprentice: Thunder
Dread- Grey tom with lighter red eyes. Drona and Dark's brother.
Apprentice: Lightning
Drina- A small, young dusty she-cat with light purple eyes. Sister of Dark and Dread.
Apprentice: Rain
Wind- Big brown tom.
Leopard- A silver she-cat with black swirling markings. Unusually big; twice the average cat.
Apprentice: Leaf
Checker- A white tom with black points and amber eyes.
Blizzard- White she- cat with grey flecks.
- cave- guards
Eagle that Flies at Dusk - Brown tom with sharp yellow eyes.
Pathway to Frozen Star - Silver tabby with frost blue luminescent eyes. Was once Tribe Healer, but stepped down. Still helps Speckle in time of crisis.
To-be: Frost that Sparkles in Starlight - Tortoishell she-cat with green eyes. She has long, sharp claws.
Star that Shines through Cloud - Gray tom with white patches. Blue eyes.
Lightening that Crashes with Thunder - Gray tom with amber eyes.
Crow that Flies Alone - Black tom with blue eyes. Mate of Feather. Named after the legendary Clan cat, Crowfeather.
prey hunters
Rabbit that Runs Fast - Brown, very lean tom with yellow eyes.
to-be: Call of Singing Starling - black she-cat with orange chest.
Stream that Wettens Gorge - Gray she-cat with blue eyes.
Sun that Hides at Night - Yellow she-cat with green eyes.
| - FirePelt's doing ThunderClan!