| - Meda got bloody bored of Cilpar and condescending humanoids and skipped planet to become a pirate; watch here for updates on her exploits!Background
Meda was born on Cilpar, but that's not the Covallon home planet. She has been to her species home planet, but she will not tell you where it is. The Covallon prefer to be left alone, almost all species are unfamiliar with them, and that's how they like it. In fact, on first glance most species assume Covallon are non sentient, and many of them even cultivate this image, eschewing clothes and tool and walking on all four, though they are capable of walking upright.
| - Meda got bloody bored of Cilpar and condescending humanoids and skipped planet to become a pirate; watch here for updates on her exploits!Background
Meda was born on Cilpar, but that's not the Covallon home planet. She has been to her species home planet, but she will not tell you where it is. The Covallon prefer to be left alone, almost all species are unfamiliar with them, and that's how they like it. In fact, on first glance most species assume Covallon are non sentient, and many of them even cultivate this image, eschewing clothes and tool and walking on all four, though they are capable of walking upright. Like all Covallon, Meda is an empath, she can't read minds, but she can sense emotions. She uses this to her advantage quite often. Getting fed up with most humanoids at an early age, and not quite content with the quiet faux non-sentient life her parents were leading, Meda skipped planet by pretending to be a pet to a merchant and then promptly left him once they reached a busier planet. She grew up quickly, and fell into the shadier trades, where she is currently working as a pirate, though a lone pirate can only accomplish so much, she has her eyes out for a likely crew to join. As she is from a predatory species, brawling and stalking come easily to her, and she uses both these and her ability to infiltrate places as a non-sentient in her craft. She 'acquired' her ship from another pirate, now deceased, and has been slowly stocking and modifying it to her taste, she is quite fond of it, and a surprisingly good pilot when it comes to quick maneauvers, though it took her awhile initially to change her hunting patterns to fit an area where up and down are options as well as side to side. Her ship, as one might guess, is more geared towards stealth and speed than outright fire power.Other
Meda, as a bestial species, can understand Basic, but she can't speak it. She's fluent in several sign languages, and can usually get her point across, but for when speaking is a necessity, she also has a Transliterator. Hers is in fact cunningly disguised as a collar, to add to the image of non-sentient she likes to portray. It occasionally amuses her to have tags on it, sometimes with her nickname of Claw sometimes just something ridiculous like Princess.Training and Abilities
As previously stated, Meda is an empath. Meda is a decent pilot of small ships.Personal Armor
Usually unarmoured, but has been known to wear a roughly tailored Mabari armourweave breastplate to protect her chest, stomach and neck when anticipating a blaster fight.Bladed Weapons
Meda has been known to fit a metal blade over her horn which she can use in a melee to deal some serious damage.Special Weapons
Meda has a snare rifle, which she does not like to use, as the cartidges are expensive. Meda has a DH-17 Blaster Pistol. Meda has a Dissauder KD-30 Slugthrower, primarily because she liked the name. She uses it on buildings more than people. Meda generally has 3 green Smoke Grenades, and 3 WW-41 Cryoban grenades, if she's wearing her utility belt.Hand to Hand Combat
Meda is from a race of predators. While she does not know a recognized form of combat, she is very, very good with her teeth and claws.Personal Spacecraft
Heavily modified A-24 Sleuth Scout, The Samaritan, the most obvious modification being the outfitting of the ship to be piloted by a quadraped.