Dvoufunkční recirkulátor příměsí a ocelových vláken is a quest item in Act V which is required only if Geralt follows při podpoře Scoia'tael and has Havranova zbroj z Scoia'tael made for him by Malcolm Stein, the dwarven blacksmith. The fabrication of this armor is not strictly necessary to the plot, but it sure is nice. The recirculator is found in a dwarven trunk, in Starodávná krypta ve starém dole in the Hřbitov v bažinách along with some dwarven spirit.
Dvoufunkční recirkulátor příměsí a ocelových vláken is a quest item in Act V which is required only if Geralt follows při podpoře Scoia'tael and has Havranova zbroj z Scoia'tael made for him by Malcolm Stein, the dwarven blacksmith. The fabrication of this armor is not strictly necessary to the plot, but it sure is nice. The recirculator is found in a dwarven trunk, in Starodávná krypta ve starém dole in the Hřbitov v bažinách along with some dwarven spirit.