| - Kuat Drive Yards or KDY was the largest military shipbuilding corporation in the Galaxy at the time of the Galactic Civil War. It was one of the chief military designers and shipbuilders that supplied the Galactic Empire. It is most famous for its Star Destroyers
- Kuat Drive Yards was a shipyard that primarily served the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War and other major organizations in the later years.
- Kuat Drive Yards- Założone w 563 BBY na Kuat przedsiębiorstwo będące częścią Interbuisnessu (Firma-Matka opłacająca większość biznesów galaktyki). Posiada największą w znanym kosmosie stocznię- pierścien wybudowany wokół planety Kuat. Owa konstrukcja jest pełna hangarów, stoczni, doków, portów jak i elektrowni oraz domów- więc można ją nazwać w pełni samowystarczalna stacją bojową. Działał aż do 470 ABY, kiedy do obca cywilizacja podbiła galaktykę.
- At present, the Yards are operating under Imperial contract, and are receiving direction from the KDY-SFS Unified Board of Production located on Guritsan. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
- Die Kuat Drive Yards (KDY) sind der wichtigste Raumschiffskonstrukteur der Galaxis. Als riesiger Werftring schwebt der Konzern um den Planeten Kuat und bietet dort auch den mit Abstand größten Arbeitgeber. Nahezu die gesamte Infrastruktur ist auf die Werften zugeschnitten, die von den großen Adelsgeschlechtern Kuats geleitet werden und nicht beim Übergang in das Galaktische Imperium verstaatlicht wurden. Neben dem großen Werftring, der in der Galaxis einzigartig ist, besitzen die KDY zudem noch mehrere Schiffswerften im gesamten Kuat-Sektor. Die stärkste Konkurrenz von KDY ist heute die Corellian Engineering Corporation.
- [[Tiedosto:KDY-AT-ST-mainos.jpg|left|thumb|220px|KDYn mainos AT-ST-talsijastaan.]]
- At present, the Yards are operating under Imperial contract, and are receiving direction from the KDY-SFS Unified Board of Production located on Selene.
- Kuat Drive Yards is a ship production faction in the Star Wars Combine.
- Kuat Drive Yards, often abbreviated as KDY, is one of the top three starship manufacturers in the galaxy, along with the Corellian Engineering Corporation and Sienar Fleet Systems. KDY is also one of the original Signatory Sponsors of the Corporate Sector Authority.
- Kuat Drive Yards or KDY was the largest military shipbuilding corporation in the Galaxy at the time of the Galactic Civil War, based on Kuat. Kuat Drive Yards mainly sold its products to the Galactic Empire, and the Galactic Republic previously. Many Kuat products could be found in TIE Fighters, armored fighting vehicles such as AT-STs and AT-ATs, Star Destroyers, and other military vehicles. Kuat Drive Yards did not sell only to the Imperials, however. Many planetary governments purchased its weapons for the purposes of defending their planet from the war.