Vannaka is located in various different cities, including Lumbridge, Falador, Edgeville, Rellekka and Varrock. In addition to assigning slayer tasks, Vannaka will offer you a variety of items to use while completing your task. You can also speak to Vannaka to access the Slayer point shop, a shop where you can spend your Slayer points earned from completing tasks on reward items.
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- Vannaka
- Vannaka
- Vannaka
- Vannaka
- Vannaka
| - Vannaka is located in various different cities, including Lumbridge, Falador, Edgeville, Rellekka and Varrock. In addition to assigning slayer tasks, Vannaka will offer you a variety of items to use while completing your task. You can also speak to Vannaka to access the Slayer point shop, a shop where you can spend your Slayer points earned from completing tasks on reward items.
- Berserker-Meister: Vannaka Benötigte Kampfstufe: Kampfstufe auf 40 Ort: Verlies von Edgeville, in der Nähe des Tors zur Wildnis
- Vannaka on henkilö, joka tavataan ensimmäistä kertaa Tutorial Islandilla taisteluneuvojana. Hän oli Tutorial Islandilla 146-levelinen. Saarelta poistumisen jälkeen hänet tapaa uudelleen jäseneksi tultuaan lahtausta kehttäessään yhtenä lahtausmestarina. Hän oleilee Edgeville Dungeonissa. vannakalta saa slayer taskeja, jotka ovat tarkoitettu +45 levelisille.
- Vannaka é um mestre de extermínio de nível intermediário em RuneScape. Também está associado às conquistas de Varrock. Vannaka pode swer encontrado no Calabouço da Fronteiriça, a sudeste da entrada para a Terra Selvagem, marcado com o ícone Ficheiro:Mestre de Extermínio ícone.png. Ele dá tarefas de extermínio a jogadores com link=Combate|22px nível de combate superior a 40. É também um dos poucos mestres sem requisitos de missão, juntamente com Turael e Mazchna.
- He instructed new players in fighting with a shortsword/wooden shield and a bow back when Tutorial Island was still accessible. Vannaka can be found in Edgeville Dungeon southeast of the wilderness entrance at the slayer master icon File:Slayer master map icon.png. He gives Slayer assignments to members level 40 or higher. He is now one of the few Slayer Masters with no Quest requirements, along with Turael and Mazchna.
- During the tutorial, he dismisses the player character's attempts at making idle conversation, and proceeds to teach them how Melee and Ranged combat work. He tasks the player with slaying a giant rat in close combat. Afterwards, he instructs the player to kill a second rat from outside of the enclosure using ranged attacks; a strategy colloquially known as safespotting. Vannaka gives the player a bronze sword, a wooden shield, a shortbow, and some bronze arrows to keep as part of his lessons on the island. Vannaka gives the following amounts of slayer points per task:
- Vannaka is te vinden in Edgeville Dungeon ten oosten van de wildernis ingang bij het slayer master icon Image:Slayer master icoon.png. Hij geeft Slayer opdrachten aan members met combat level 40 of hoger. Hij geeft 4 punten voor iedere voltooide taak, 20 punten voor iedere 10e taak, en 60 punten voor elke 50e taak. Als de combat master gaf hij nieuwe spelers een wooden shield, bronze sword, shortbow, en 50 bronze arrows en leerde ze hoe melee en ranged combat werkt.
- left|75px Vannaka, anteriormente conocido en la Isla Tutorial como el instructor de combate[no oficial] (Combat instructor en inglés), es un maestro de Exterminio de nivel intermedio en Runescape. También es uno de los personajes no jugador asociado al set de logros de Varrock. Su gran habilidad con espadas es notoria dado su alto nivel de combate (146) y su nivel de Fuerza (112), así como por el hecho de poder usar una mandoble de acero y un escudo cuadrado de dragón al mismo tiempo.
- He instructed new players in fighting with a shortsword/wooden shield and a bow back when Tutorial Island was not sunken yet. Vannaka can be found in Edgeville Dungeon southeast of the wilderness entrance at the slayer master icon File:Slayer master map icon.png. He gives Slayer assignments to members with a combat level of 40 or higher. He is now one of the few Slayer Masters with no Quest requirements, along with Turael and Mazchna.
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| - An expert on all forms of combat.
- He doesn't look so dangerous any more.
- He looks dangerous!
- He looks dangerous!
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| - Sim, objetos de extermínio
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