| - Truro is a town of about 11,000 people in central Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Truro is a fishing trawler who lives and cares for Dorothy in Ceilidh's Cove. Truro is kind, friendly and always willing to provide advice, guidance and help to the other boats whenever he feels they require it. He keeps a particularly watchful eye over Dorothy Dory, as the young dory tries to find her way around, while muddling through her mistakes and mishaps.
- 250px|right|Katedra w Truro Truro (korn. Truru) - miasto w Anglii na Półwyspie Kornwalijskim w jego południowej części, stolica hrabstwa Kornwalia. Zamieszkałe przez 21 500 mieszkańców. Stacja kolejowa na linii Plymouth - Penzance. Jako jedyny ośrodek w hrabstwie posiada status city tzn. miasta katedralnego i uniwersyteckiego, choć pod względem wielkości znajduje się na trzecim miejscu - po St Austell i konurbacji Redruth - Camborne.
- The founder of this historic town is Trevor Rowe. (That is a lie, that is. 'ee wez too drunk to find it, and the one who found it was 'iz brother Treve. He never got no credit tho, 'cos he was busy with her up Tolskithy Row. Well, wa'd 'appened waz they 'ad a fight outside the pub, 'cos Trevor reckoned Treve waz nicking 'iz name, then see Trevor passed out. Passed out 'ee did, right in street, too! Well, Treve 'ad to sort isself out a minute, and thought 'ee'd be back proper once 'ee'd seen to business, like. Well, it's iz bladder, see? Can't 'old 'iz drink. So 'ee was walking right and he found this city, and called it Treve Rowe. Meantimes, up pops Trevor, seez wa'd 'appened, and went an' told folk 'EE'd found'un. All the while Treve were busy like. Mad? Treve were jumping. Jumping 'ee w
| - The founder of this historic town is Trevor Rowe. (That is a lie, that is. 'ee wez too drunk to find it, and the one who found it was 'iz brother Treve. He never got no credit tho, 'cos he was busy with her up Tolskithy Row. Well, wa'd 'appened waz they 'ad a fight outside the pub, 'cos Trevor reckoned Treve waz nicking 'iz name, then see Trevor passed out. Passed out 'ee did, right in street, too! Well, Treve 'ad to sort isself out a minute, and thought 'ee'd be back proper once 'ee'd seen to business, like. Well, it's iz bladder, see? Can't 'old 'iz drink. So 'ee was walking right and he found this city, and called it Treve Rowe. Meantimes, up pops Trevor, seez wa'd 'appened, and went an' told folk 'EE'd found'un. All the while Treve were busy like. Mad? Treve were jumping. Jumping 'ee was. He was bloody mad, and 'ees still bloody mad.) Alternatively, Richard Lander often and petulantly claims he found it instead. Yeah, like you "found" lake Victoria, eh Dickie? He made enough wild claims, waltzing into East Africa going "Right, thats it, this is mine!" that they stuck him on a plinth up the top of Lemon Street out of harms way, where he could discover pigeons on a daily basis.
- Truro is a town of about 11,000 people in central Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Truro is a fishing trawler who lives and cares for Dorothy in Ceilidh's Cove. Truro is kind, friendly and always willing to provide advice, guidance and help to the other boats whenever he feels they require it. He keeps a particularly watchful eye over Dorothy Dory, as the young dory tries to find her way around, while muddling through her mistakes and mishaps.
- 250px|right|Katedra w Truro Truro (korn. Truru) - miasto w Anglii na Półwyspie Kornwalijskim w jego południowej części, stolica hrabstwa Kornwalia. Zamieszkałe przez 21 500 mieszkańców. Stacja kolejowa na linii Plymouth - Penzance. Jako jedyny ośrodek w hrabstwie posiada status city tzn. miasta katedralnego i uniwersyteckiego, choć pod względem wielkości znajduje się na trzecim miejscu - po St Austell i konurbacji Redruth - Camborne.