- Witchcraft is a form of sinister magic available to the player in Darkfall.
- Witchcraft is the art of channeling and redirecting forms of energy known as magic. In "The Southern Vampire Mysteries", the practice of witchcraft includes contact with spirits, casting of spells, and gaining some supernatural abilities. __TOC__
- Witchcraft is a practice of magic that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings from ancient times. The practice of witchcraft infuses its practitioners, known as witches, with remarkable paranormal abilities such as move objects without touching them (telekinesis), kill at a distance via strange rituals etc. In popular culture, witchcraft is the supposed art of black magic associated with the Devil. Its practitioners have been persecuted and executed for centuries by the Christian Church.
- Witchcraft is one of the heroes in Champions Online. She is a member of the superteam The Champions. Witchcraft is voiced by Stella Quinn.
- Exodus 22:18: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (KJV) Wicca is the name most modern day Witches use for the Craft (Witchcraft). It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Wicce, meaning to bend or to shape. This is the root word from which we get wicked.
- Witchcraft is a particular tradition, or type of Magick. While there are many types of magick that fit the definition of "witchcraft"; most are descended from religions that are pagan in origin. Witchcraft typically involves supplication of various entities (spirits, elementals, deities, etc) to create the desired effect. Witchcraft tends to deal less with hard/fast rules than some other traditions, such as Western Hermeticism or Egyptian heka.
- The term witchcraft is a controversial one with a complicated history. Used with entirely different contexts, and within entirely different cultural references, it can take on distinct and often contradictory meanings. Witchcraft is used to refer, broadly to the practice of magic.Depending on the values of the community, witchcraft in this sense may be regarded with varying degrees of suspicion and hostility. Wicca is a recent witch-craft religion that is found in many English-speaking countries. It was originally founded by the British civil servant Gerald Gardner in the 1940s.
- Witchcraft is a song from Silent Hill: Homecoming and is track 2 in the Homecoming soundtrack. It was composed by Akira Yamaoka. The song plays during Alex Shepherd's first and second visit to his home and following the pivotal scene in the Solitary Confinement area of Overlook Penitentiary with Lillian Shepherd.
- Witchcraft ("Brujería") es una canción del juego Silent Hill: Homecoming. La canción es la pista número 2 del disco Silent Hill: Homecoming Soundtrack. Fue compuesta por Akira Yamaoka. La canción suena durante la primer y segunda visita de Alex Shepherd a su casa y después de la escena clave en el Área de Aislamiento de la prisión Overlook. Categoría:Música Categoría:Pistas de Silent Hill: Homecoming Soundtrack Categoría:Música instrumental
- Modern witchcraft is not to be mistaken for Wicca, a pagan religion, although many followers of Wicca may also consider themselves witches. The terms "witch" and "wiccan" are not interchangeable. This confusion has led to the discrimination of witches. In earlier centuries, the term "witchcraft" was often used to mean Devil-worship. This was encouraged by the Bible and Christians. Oh no! This Halloween article has serious gaps or missing content for the topic. Did the monsters take it? How scary! Can you help fix it? You go that way, and I'll go this way...
- Witchcraft is a genre of magic that is practiced by wiccans and some other people. Witchcraft is a method that is used by people from different belief systems; it is not limited to Wicca alone. A good analogy of this is that witchcraft is to a religion such as Wicca what meditation is to a buddhist or what prayer is to a christian. Just as one does not need to be a buddhist in order to meditate, neither does one need to be a wiccan in order to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft is an act that one does, like praying or meditating, and is therefore not a belief system in itself.
- Those fingers in my hair That sly come hither stare That strips my conscience bare It's witchcraft And I've got no defense for it The heat is too intense for it What good would common sense for it do 'Cause it's witchcraft, wicked witchcraft And although, I know, it's strictly taboo When you arouse the need in me My heart says yes indeed in me Proceed with what your leading me to It's such an ancient pitch But one I wouldn't switch 'Cause there's no nicer witch than you
- According to Lucan Johnson, witchcraft is the scientific study of energies and material. It is related to paganism and polytheistic religions. Most of the records of witchcraft from 18th Century to the early 19th Century have been lost, largely due to the Burning Times, when people were regularly tortured and killed for practicing herbalism and non-standard medicine. By the American Revolutionary War, these trials had become a thing of the past, except in rural areas. Elly Kedward was accused of performing witchcraft in 1785. She was banished from the town of Blair and left for dead.
- Witchcraft is a type of magic that witches study and use. Scrying is a type of witchcraft, even though it's possible that only a witch born with this power is able to use it. Witchcraft is commonly thought to be a feminine magic and it usually includes preparing potions, using amulets, poppets, poultices or other magical artifacts to inflict harm upon members of a community or their property. Another classical aspect of witchcraft is the act of casting spells by pronouncing an incantation (in the show the spells are in Old English). The ritual that Morgana performed to enchant the Phoenix Eye is a good example of a classical witchcraft's spell.
- The people who perform witchcraft are called witches and their religion is called Wiccan. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Witchcraft"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Its original planned airdate of October 5 was preempted due to the Clarence Thomas hearings.
- The term witchcraft (and witch) is a controversial one with a complicated history. Used with entirely different contexts, and within entirely different cultural references, it can take on distinct and often contradictory meanings. Each culture has its own particular body of concepts dealing with magic, religion, benevolent and harmful spirits, and ritual; and these ideas do not find obvious equivalents in other cultures.
- Witchcraft (Majutsu 魔術) Is a shounen manga about wizards created in 1995 it went live in 2000.
- Witchcraft to strategiczna gra planszowa dla dwóch graczy stworzona przez Michała Oracza Ignacego Trzewiczka. Wydana w 2008 roku przez wydawnictwo Portal.
- Witchcraft, formally defined by anthropologists and those who study human religions is the use of rituals and magic to accomplish some kind of ends on this earth, most often curses which can refer to either sex but more frequently means a woman. In modern lay idiom, it is largely associated with various sorts of neopagans, such as Lucy Cavendish and Wicca. A man who acts similarly is a wizard or warlock or simply a male witch. In the American folk / entertainment world it is the evil wrought by women onto poor suffering men who cannot resist such temptations.
- Witchcraft can be defined as a practice where one uses magic to change the world around them. During the history of humanity there were many different beliefs and practices that can be placed under the witchcraft label. They tend to share common elements, although in most cases there can be no historical connection found between them. In the twentieth century new paths of Witchcraft arose, the most well-known being the religion known as Wicca.
- Witchcraft is the Eastern science of magic. All of the witch's abilities originate from one's internal energy. The Art of the witch is simply to use the energy of the mind to manipulate probabilities. In witchcraft, to name something is to give it meaning, which is why often a witch may establish various sorts of measures to define a concept and understand its limits so that they are given power over it along with the potential to change it as they desire. Additionally, contrary to the majority of magical disciplines, witchcraft can be a communal practice where several witches combine their efforts to make a spell more potent. Large covens of witches may engage in truly powerful magic not possible through other means.
- When activated in Tales of the Abyss, a large purple glyph appears on the ground near the targeted ally while they are cloaked in a glyph identical to the spell's predecessor, Enhance Cast. As the glyph's arrow spins, a number of smaller, accompanying glyphs in the form of clocks envelop the area-of-effect. Its visual effect is similar in Tales of Xillia 2, where the glyph summons an ethereal clock on the current target and several clocks scattered around the battlefield.
- Witchcraft is the practice that resort to occult forces, colloquially known as Magic, generally with negative intent or to gain a personal profit by supernatural means. The practice of witchcraft infuses its practitioners, known as witches, with remarkable paranormal abilities such as move objects without touching them (telekinesis), kill at a distance via strange rituals etc. Witchcraft is however an umbrella term that indicates a wide range of esoteric practices, ranging from Hexcraft to a modern and benevolent form of witchcraft known as Wicca. One of the most recurrent symbol, considered to be a main feature of witchcraft activities, is the pentacle: a star with five tip inscribed in a circle. In popular culture, witchcraft is the supposed art of black magic associated with the Devil.
- Hope has practised with this ability since she learned of it when she was a few days old. She was given a book of spells, termed a Book Of Shadows, by her birth mother, and Hope has practised many spells from within it to perform a variety of tasks. In addition, she has brewed several potions, including one to make a person sleep instantly and one which reveals the truth. However, creating a potion can require some ingredients which are rare to find. The amount of spells in the book is unknown as well as the amount of potions that can be used, and Hope has stated that she can quite easily adapt a spell for a different purpose by altering some of its words. Often spells can do a variety of things, but the spells can backfire or not work due a missing ingredient or a poor adaptation. Hope ha
- A Witch is a woman (usually) with supernatural power who can cast spells onto you. Mostly people thought witches were evil women who would cast terrible spells onto you, your family or your property. Witches could turn you into a frog, a toad, a newt or anything else bad that you could imagine. A Wizard is a Man accused of casting spells. Superstition 1 - Witches were able to fly ( this explained how witches could move quickly across impossible distances. A broomstick was then added to the superstition as these became common household articles used by women)
- Witchcraft is the in game (IG) term for players who have multiple character accounts, i.e. multiples or clones. In the strictest interpretation, players are allowed only one single character throughout the game. "The users are allowed to create only one account on the website of the Renaissances Kingdoms, and only they can use it." - Renaissance Kingdoms - Terms and Conditions; The Game This type of witchcraft has no relation to the Pagan_Religion of the same name.