| - Okay, so one of the characters is a little... odd. He's a Talkative Loon who rambles, talks to people and things that aren't there, and rarely pays much attention to what's going on around him. So it's just natural that the other characters ignore everything this guy has to say... Until, in a strange twist of hindsight, it turns out he was right all along. Sometimes the guy's truly the Only Sane Man whose condition is due to the frightening nature of the things he had uncovered. Sometimes he IS mad but still got one thing right (he's usually smart enough to notice that this one is somehow different from his usual delusions), but people who already know him will just dismiss this as another lie. Compare Dumbass Has a Point, Jerkass Has a Point, No Mere Windmill, Mad Oracle, Cassandra Truth and Cue the Flying Pigs. Contrast Windmill Crusader. This trope may result in someone else Giving Up on Logic. When combined with Breaking the Fourth Wall, may result in Audience What Audience, and a meta-version of this can overlap with Accidentally Accurate. If it's the Madness Mantra that was right all along, perhaps you should be a little afraid... Examples of The Cuckoolander Was Right include: