Can also be made by Crafting using Steel Pistol Blueprint
A Steel Pistol is a common, but well-crafted firearm. This pistol has no special abilities and only one barrel. It resembles the Fullmoon Special Pistol.
* Attack Power: 29
* Abilities: None
* Range: Medium
* Level Required: Gun 12
* Cost: 600 Gold
* Resale Value: 30 Gold
Can also be made by Crafting using Steel Pistol Blueprint
A Steel Pistol is a common, but well-crafted firearm. This pistol has no special abilities and only one barrel. It resembles the Fullmoon Special Pistol.
* Attack Power: 29
* Abilities: None
* Range: Medium
* Level Required: Gun 12
* Cost: 600 Gold
* Resale Value: 30 Gold