| - Felicity Smoak also known as Felicity Raymond is the lead manger of a computer software firm based out of New York City. She is married to Ed Raymond and is the step mother to his son Ronnie Raymond also known as Firestorm.
- Felicity Smoak is a character in the DC Universe and an ally to many superheroes.
- Felicity Smoak is the IT girl at Queen Consolidated and ally to Oliver Queen.
- Felicity Meghan Smoak (born 1988) is a member of Oliver Queen's team, his former executive assistant and a customer service member at Tech Village. Felicity is the daughter of an unnamed man, and Donna Smoak. She is the partner-in-vigilantism and a good friend of Oliver Queen, John Diggle,Roy Harper and the late Sara Lance, serving as the primary contact between The Arrow and SCPD Officer Quentin Lance. She is also a friend and former employee of Walter Steele. Felicity is very intelligent and extremely proficient with electronics, which is why both Walter and Oliver initially approached her for help in their separate problems.
- Felicity Megan Smoak (born c. 1989) is the daughter of Noah Kuttler and Donna Smoak. Technologically gifted, especially in the field of computer science, Felicity is a member of Team Arrow, the former CEO of Palmer Technologies, and the ex-fiancée of Oliver Queen.
- __FORCETOC__ Felicity Megan Smoak (urodzona w 1989 roku) – była sprzedawczyni w Tech Village, asystentka Olivera Queena w Queen Consolidated, obecnie wiceprezes Palmer Technologies. Felicity jest córką Donny Smoak i pana Smoak, dobry przyjaciel Olivera Queena i Raya Palmera. Ważny członek drużyny Strzały, który posiada niezwykłą wiedzę na temat technologii. Kiedy Felicity podczas walki z R.O.J.-em zostaje postrzelona, traci władzę nad nogami i ląduję na wózku inwalidzkim. Drużyna widząc, że bez informatyczki sobie nie poradzą, nadali jej pseudonim Overwatch.