| - The Green Fields Colonial Army, also known as the GFCA, was a cell of the United Rebel Front on the colony of Green Fields. Originally formed in 2492 after a series of tariffs and taxes were enacted by the colonial government. Originally made up of former Green Fields Colonial Militia and armed civilians, in 2497, it also became augmented by Colonial Military Administration officers looking to escape arrest by the United Nations Space Command, as well as soon-to-be rebel celebrity Andrew Edan, along with other Harvest Insurrectionists from the planet after the failed 2497 coup led by Harvest For Harvesters. These new additions to the Green Fields Colonial Army, although they did not increase the Army's size by any great margin, they brought a level of experience to the group that allowed them to become a much more effective group, something that brought them to the attention of URF General Howard Graves in 2516, when he extended to them the offer of becoming a member cell of the URF, along with the material benefits it offered, which the group's leaders accepted. This new alliance once again, while it did not increase the group's size by any noticeable margin, offered them more experience and supplies, something that allowed them to escalate their operations even further. By the beginning of the Human-Covenant War, the GFCA, now led by former Far Isle citizen and URF officer Adam Makosky, had become aggressive enough as to quietly bring some settlements on the lands beyond the authorized areas for settlement under their control. After a unit of UNSC Army soldiers discovered the true extent of the GFCA's operations, the UNSC prepared to use SPARTAN-II's on the rebels, but before they could, the SPARTAN's, and most UNSC were redirected to fight the Covenant Empire, leaving a skeleton garrison to defend against the GFCA. Eventually, to save themselves and the rest of the colony, in 2529, after the colony was abandoned by the UNSC, the Green Fields colonial government secretly made a pact with the rebels, allotting them tracts of frontier land in exchange for them not completely overthrowing the government, which they would have been unable to do completely anyway, the GFCA's strength having been greatly overestimated. The rebels accepted the deal, and, for the most part, despite some skirmishes, the GFCA and the colonial government kept a steady, albeit uneasy, peace. In 2553, after the end of the Human-Covenant War, when the UNSC discovered what the Green Fields colonial government had done, quickly arrested the administration, and declared martial law. As the rebels had not been prepared for a conflict, the GFCA simply abandoned their tracts of land, and melted back into the colony's frontier to continue their operations, which they did, even as late as 2610, when, for the first time in nearly two decades, the GFCA performed an operation, using antiquated F-210 fighter-bombers to destroy a UNSC Army camp on the frontier. It was eventually discovered that the GFCA had acquired two Huragok through unknown means, which had allowed them to upkeep all of their equipment that they had, hence why they were able to continue operations.