| - (The shortened opening) NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. Disney Princesses. (Pictures of various princesses from classic Disney animated films are shown as NC speaks. The people playing the princesses at Disney theme parks are shown at some points as well) NC (vo): They represent everything kind, ethical, powerful and beautiful. And absolute clickbait whenever mentioned online. (Images of various YouTube videos with more than 60,000,000 views, which are connected to Disney Princesses in one way or another, are shown)
| - (The shortened opening) NC: Hello, I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to. Disney Princesses. (Pictures of various princesses from classic Disney animated films are shown as NC speaks. The people playing the princesses at Disney theme parks are shown at some points as well) NC (vo): They represent everything kind, ethical, powerful and beautiful. And absolute clickbait whenever mentioned online. (Images of various YouTube videos with more than 60,000,000 views, which are connected to Disney Princesses in one way or another, are shown) NC: (smiling) This is my feeble attempt to cash in on that! NC (vo): Why do we love to talk about them so much? They represent what we want to be, but have been criticized often for either being too flawed or too perfect. Maybe that's one of the reasons we like to write conspiracies about them. Fan theories and gossip that often get proven to be true or false. It's humanizing to think there are secrets behind those flawless smiles that might actually make them more complex, or even more simple. Blogs, forums and fan sites have gone nuts coming up with their own reasons on why certain things are the way they are. And, truth be told, I've come up with a few as well. This is a combination of them to give you a new point of view on the fairy tales you thought you knew so well. NC: And we're gonna look at the Top 11 of them here today. Why Top 11? (holds up index finger) Because I like to go one step beyond. So, sit back and enjoy the Top 11 Disney Princess Conspiracies! (Cut to the forest of fir trees at night as the caption "The Top 11 Disney Princess" zooms in and "Morning Mood" by Edward Grieg plays. Then, all of a sudden, a big explosion occurs! The night sky background changes to the erupting fire, while the caption "CONSPIRACIES" is added and the menacing organ music starts playing. This will be the interlude footage throughout the video. The number 11 zooms in)