| - Finally! Hi everyone, welcome to my European travel blog. I’m Rachel Blake, I’m 24, and yes, this trip is coming two years late. I feel like I’m in the minority amongst my friends, who all seemed to find a way to spend six months after graduation backpacking through Europe. Silly me, I sold out and got a real-life job with an evil megalithic corporation. Well, that job has ended, and now I’m here. But, no youth hostels or hitchhiking for me, thanks. I actually made some money at that job I mentioned, and I’m going to spend just a little bit of it…
| - Finally! Hi everyone, welcome to my European travel blog. I’m Rachel Blake, I’m 24, and yes, this trip is coming two years late. I feel like I’m in the minority amongst my friends, who all seemed to find a way to spend six months after graduation backpacking through Europe. Silly me, I sold out and got a real-life job with an evil megalithic corporation. Well, that job has ended, and now I’m here. But, no youth hostels or hitchhiking for me, thanks. I actually made some money at that job I mentioned, and I’m going to spend just a little bit of it… However, one thing I haven’t done is plan anything. I’m starting in Copenhagen, and from there, I’m just gonna play it by ear. Who wants to have a stressful vacation? So, why Copenhagen? Why Denmark? Maybe I’ve read Hamlet one too many times. Or maybe, just maybe I wanted to begin in the seat of Europe’s oldest monarchy. The place was founded in 1167! While I’m here, I hope to a) become a better interior designer by osmosis, b) see Rosenborg Castle, the Round Tower, Tivoli Gardens, the Little Mermaid – yep, she’s here!, c) shop the Stroget, d) eat a Danish hotdog (they’re famous!), and e) RELAX by the beautiful lakes. Ah.