| - Eos är en Tau'ri rymdskepp befäl av USA under ledning av Överste Freeman. Det var närvarande kretsar kring planeten Glaudyk när SG-1 var att försöka lösa Strayka problem och var ansvarig för att transportera Strayka från Glaudyk till sin nya hemvärld. (SG1: "Stargate: Vala Mal Doran 5")
- Eos was a Titaness and goddess of the dawn in Greek mythology.
- center|thumb|450px|Aurora, de Guido Reni (1613) right|thumb|200px|A Aurora, de William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1881) right|thumb|200px|As Portas da Aurora, de Herbert Draper (1900) right|thumb|200px|Aurora e Céfalo, de Pierre Narcisse Guérin (1810) Eos, chamada Aurora ou Matuta pelos romanos, é a deusa grega do nascer do Sol. Seu nome provém da raiz proto-indo-européia *awes, "brilhar". O grego eólico tinha a forma au(s)ôs.
- Eos, désigné comme Habitat 1 par l'Initiative Andromeda, est une planète située dans le système Pytheas. Les données issues des analyses de l'Initiative ont indiqué qu'Eos était potentiellement un monde en or avec un environnement désertique, mais aussi avec de vastes rivières souterraines et des températures dans une amplitude confortable. Monde désertique avec des ressources importantes, Eos est souvent envahie par des tempêtes mortelles et contaminées par les radiations. Elle a été catalogué comme non viable après de nombreuses tentatives de colonisation.
- "EOS" is the eighth episode of Thunderbirds Are Go!. It was first broadcast on Saturday May 16th 2015.
- As any Tau'ri warship, Eos posses a bridge very similar to the Daedalus-class vessels.The bridge is very wide and many personnel can work at the same time on it.Colonel Freeman and Brandt are known members of the crew that are present on the bridge.
- are engineered specifically to wreak havoc on a battlefield of many. Sporting advanced command module interfaces, these vessels are more than capable of turning the tide in large engagements. Field command ships are geared more towards out-and-out combat than their fleet command counterparts, though both ships can hold their own in battle. As the largest drone developer and manufacturer in space, CreoDron has a vested interest in drone carriers. While sacrificing relatively little in the way of defensive capability, the Eos can chew its way through surprisingly strong opponents - provided, of course, that the pilot uses top-of-the-line CreoDron drones.
- Satellites Location: Andromeda / Heleus Cluster / Pytheas System / Second planet <default>Colony</default> Andromeda Initiative
- In Greek mythology, 'Eos (Greek: Ἠώς, or Ἕως "dawn") is the Titan goddessof the dawn, who rose from her home at the edge of Oceanus, the ocean that surrounds the world, to herald her brother Helios, the Sun.
- In Greek mythology, Eos was the goddess of Dawn. She appears in the Theogony of Hesiod as the daughter of two Titans - Hyperion and Theia. Eos is therefore also the sister of Selene (the Moon) and Helios (the Sun). Hesiod recognizes the eternal significance of these gods in his poem: "Theia yielded to Hyperion's love and gave birth to great Helios and bright Selene and Eos, who brings light to all the mortals of this earth and to the immortal gods who rule the wide sky."
- Eos, bezeichnet als Habitat 1 der Andromeda-Initiative, ist ein Planet im Pytheas-System in Andromedas Heleus-Cluster.
- Eos was a Storm demon and one of the Winds of Taurang. He appeared as slender figure wrapped, cloaked and masked in black.
- Eos was a female who appears in Opening Boxes (Episode 3.2). She hands the Zionite player a type of recording, in this mission.
* Eos was the name of the goddess of dawn in Greek mythology.
- Eos was a mineral-rich volcanic world that hosted a large droid foundry belonging to the Trade Federation.
- Eos, also referred to as simply the 'Government Quarters', is a military complex that's located deep into the capital of Central, and is staffed with some of the best troops Vengarnen has to offer. This vast military complex protects primarily the House of Sovereigns, and the Grand Assembly Halls. Citizen access to Eos is off limits due to the high importance targets located there of not just Vengarnen officials, but diplomats as well.
- The name Europe Organisation for Sustainability (formally Network of European Technocrats) (or EOS) refers to an organisation that promotes Technocracy within Europe as an alternative socioeconomic system for a sustainable future. The organisation is registered in Sweden (number 802431-9330) but has a membership base across Europe and accepts members from outside the continent.
- Eos is the Greek Titaness of the dawn, and a daughter of Hyperion and Theia. She and her siblings Helios (Sun) and Selene (Moon) were amongst the second-generation Titans. Her Roman counterpart is Aurora. Dew was said to be Eos's tears due to the loss of her son Memmos in the Trojan War.
- Eos is the tritagonist of Red Faction and the leader and founder of the Red Faction in 2075. Due to her acts against the Ultor Corporation, a sector in the Tharsis region is named after her. As being one of the most respected miners on Mars, it is thought that she works as a Foreman, working with the other miners including Parker. Eos is one of the first hit by the plague released by Axel Capek. At one point in the course of the game Eos is seen without her face shield and it is revealed that she is disfigured on that side of her face. However after the final battle and disarming of the bomb, she is located tied to the device and she has no scars. Parker even goes so far as to a point where he gets close to her face and gets a awkward reaction from her.
- Eos (Ηως) was the goddess of the dawn. She was the daughter of Hyperion, the Titan of light, and Theia, the Titan of sight. Her siblings were Helios, Titan of the Sun, and Selene, Titan the moon. Eos personified the short transition from night to day and possibly also day to night.
- Eos era un mundo volcánico rico en minerales que albergó una gran fábrica de droides perteneciente a la Federación de Comercio.
- Eos is the sister of Suzaku and is a secondary leader of the phoenixes of the Forest of Resplendent Flames.
- Eos is one of the many worlds connected by Milliways.
- Eos is the Greek Goddess of the dawn. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it].
- En la mitología griega Eos (en griego antiguo Ἠώς Êós o Έως Eos, ‘aurora’) era la diosa titánide de la aurora, que salía de su hogar al borde del Océano que rodeaba el mundo para anunciar a su hermano Helios, el Sol. Se cree que la adoración griega de la aurora como diosa fue heredada de la época indoeuropea. El nombre «Eos» es un cognado del latín Aurora y del védico Ushas.
- Eos is a genus of parrots belonging to the lories and lorikeets tribe of the Psittaculidae family. There are six species which are all endemic to islands of eastern Indonesia, most within very restricted ranges. They have predominantly red plumage with blue, purple or black markings. Males and females are similar in appearance.
- The Eos was a battlecruiser in service to the Dominion Fleet. After the Battle of Char, its crew sided with Valerian Mengsk in the conflict that broke out between his forces and those loyal to Arcturus Mengsk.
- In Greek Mythology, Eos was the titan goddess of the dawn. She and her siblings Helios (the Sun) and Selene (the Moon) were numbered amongst the second-generation Titan gods. Eos rose into the sky from the river Okeanos (Oceanus) at the start of each day, and with her rays of light dispersed the mists of night. She was depicted either driving a chariot drawn by winged horses or borne aloft on her own wings. Eos was closely identified with Hemera, the primordial goddess of day. In some myths—such as the tales of Orion and Kephalos—Eos stood virtually as a non-virginal substitute for Artemis.