| - Sonic, Knuckles, and the Chaotix find themselves ambushed by the Dark Legion at the Lava Reef Zone. Sonic manages to grab a legionnaire's flame sword and attack another sword wielding legionnaire, their attacks cancelling each other out and flinging both of them aside. The Chaotix and legionnaires continue to fight until Lara-Le arrives, ordering them to stop fighting. Knuckles is embraced by his mother while Wynmacher grovels at his feet. Knuckles asks why they're associating with the legion, and Wynmacher explains that the legion is leading the resistance against Dr. Eggman and the Dingo Regime on Angel Island, addressing Knuckles as "Avatar" the whole time.
| - Sonic, Knuckles, and the Chaotix find themselves ambushed by the Dark Legion at the Lava Reef Zone. Sonic manages to grab a legionnaire's flame sword and attack another sword wielding legionnaire, their attacks cancelling each other out and flinging both of them aside. The Chaotix and legionnaires continue to fight until Lara-Le arrives, ordering them to stop fighting. Knuckles is embraced by his mother while Wynmacher grovels at his feet. Knuckles asks why they're associating with the legion, and Wynmacher explains that the legion is leading the resistance against Dr. Eggman and the Dingo Regime on Angel Island, addressing Knuckles as "Avatar" the whole time. Lara-Le leads the group through a large ring that transports them to the Hidden Palace Zone, where a horde of echidnas praise the arrival of their Avatar. The group is greeted by Dr. Finitevus, a legionnaire, who explains that the Hidden Palace serves as a sanctuary for the echidnas freed from Eggman's prison camps by the Dark Legion. Finitevus leads the group to the interior of the palace, where Lien-Da greets Knuckles and Julie-Su with sarcastic hospitality. The former Kommisar explains that Lara-Le used their communications equipment to alert Knuckles to Locke's capture by General Kage. Knuckles ignores her jeering and asks to see the Master Emerald. Lien-Da allows Sonic and Knuckles to follow her to the Emerald Altar. Along the path, Sonic notices a tapestry depicting Super Sonic fighting Eggman. Lien-Da mentions that no one knows how it got there, but the cloth is likely thousands of years old. Before Knuckles can ask her more about it, the trio arrives at the altar. Lien-Da tells them that Brotherhood protected the emerald from Dr. Eggman, but went missing in the process. Thirty-six hours before the dingoes breached Haven, Locke gave the Master Emerald to Lien-Da while he stayed behind to fight. Knuckles asks about Dimitri, but Lien-Da only says that Dimitri is gone and she rules the Legion now. Before that conversation can continue, Knuckles collapses in pain. Lien-Da mocks his feeble state and leaves Sonic and Knuckles in at the altar. Later, Sonic and Knuckles rejoin the Chaotix and Remington. Sonic asks what happened, and Knuckles guesses that the Master Emerald is taking his strength instead empowering him. Julie-Su tries to cheer him up while Mighty wonders why they're not fighting the dingoes. Dr. Finitevus informs them that they're waiting on a spy to reveal Locke's location. A mother and father approach Knuckles and present their blinded daughter, asking for him to restore her sight. Dr. Finitevus flies into a rage, calling them fools for believing in the Ancient Walkers' prophecy and refusing the help of the Dark Legion. Sonic tries to lighten the mood, but Knuckles tells the family that he can't help them. Vector and Julie-Su argue over whether or not the prophecy could be true, with Vector chiding Julie for agreeing with a member of the legion. Knuckles breaks up the fight and starts venting at the group, unable to deal with any more unpleasant surprises. Lara-Le then presents Knuckles with his baby brother, who smacks him with his rattle.