| - Troglytes were the manual labor class in the society of planet Ardana. Troglytes were largely restricted to the surface of the planet, with any travel to and within the Cloud City of Stratos being closely regulated and monitored.
- The Troglytes were the zenite miners of the planet Ardana and were the lower social class of Ardanans. Their name comes from an abbreviation of an ancient Earth term, troglodyte, translating as "cave dweller". Some Troglytes, known as retainers, served as sentinels and servants to the city-dwellers of Stratos. A rebel group of Troglytes, known as the Disrupters, led a dissident movement against the city-dwellers in their quest for equality.
| - Troglytes were the manual labor class in the society of planet Ardana. Troglytes were largely restricted to the surface of the planet, with any travel to and within the Cloud City of Stratos being closely regulated and monitored. Troglytes were considered by the Ardanan Stratos City Dwellers to be an intellectually and emotionally inferior race. In fact, a gas generated by the zenite mined on Ardana had a deleterious effect on the thought processes of the surface dwellers (as well as other humanoid species). In 2269, the United Federation of Planets provided the Troglytes with air filtering technology which enabled them to counteract and reverse the damage done by this gas. (TOS episode: "The Cloud Minders") However, the social divisions and unequal treatment by the upper class City Dwellers continued, eventually leading in the late 23rd century to a civil war, known as the Great Disruption. Following this war, Stratos was abandoned and the class distinction was largely eliminated; however, some Troglyte descendants in the late 24th century considered the continued existence of Stratos to be an unwanted reminder of the inequalities of the past. (CoE eBook: Signs from Heaven)
- The Troglytes were the zenite miners of the planet Ardana and were the lower social class of Ardanans. Their name comes from an abbreviation of an ancient Earth term, troglodyte, translating as "cave dweller". Some Troglytes, known as retainers, served as sentinels and servants to the city-dwellers of Stratos. A rebel group of Troglytes, known as the Disrupters, led a dissident movement against the city-dwellers in their quest for equality. The Troglytes had long unkempt hair and wore special shields that could be related to their harsh work environment in the mines. They lived on the planet's surface and prior to 2269, were inebriated due to the odorless zenite gas emanated in its raw form. Although they were slow to believe the idea that a problem with the gas existed, they eventually agreed to take a supply of filter masks to counter it. With the problem solved, the Troglytes vowed to strive with even more vigor and effectiveness in securing their rights. (TOS: "The Cloud Minders" )