| - The long-awaited sequel to Legend of Heroes VI, 'Zero no Kiseki moves the setting to the bright lights of the wealthy but corrupt city of Crossbell. Four rookie cops are enlisted to improve the reputation of the police. Of course, it doesn't stop there... One of the game's unique points is its intense focus on the city of Crossbell as a setting. Unlike Trails in The Sky, which has you bouncing around a number of roughly-equal-sized locations and learning some stuff about each to make up a country as a whole, Crossbell is gigantic and makes up a substantial portion of the entire game. While you will eventually leave the city limits to travel to other parts of the wider Crossbell State, these all really serve as "suburbs" of the city itself and the focus is on Crossbell City itself, in all its grand, towering, corrupt, decadent glory. When combined with series staples like orbments, it creates a fairly unique "Urban Fantasy in The Fifties" atmosphere. The only really comparable games would be the Shin Megami Tensei games, and even then there's a lot of differences in tone and content. This game is getting a sequel called Ao no Kiseki featuring the same characters and continuing the plot (in the same manner that Trails in the Sky SC continued Trails FC). Feel free to add related tropes.