Harry Bernard was a Human child who lived aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. He was the son of Starfleet lieutenant Harry Bernard, Sr. In 2364, Harry was one of several Enterprise-D children who were kidnapped by the Aldeans in an effort to re-populate their planet. While in captivity Harry was exposed to sculpting for the first time under the instruction of Accolan and Leda, the most prominent artists on Aldea. Though he had never had experience sculpting before, Harry found that he had an innate ability and enjoyed the work tremendously.
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- Harry Bernard
- Harry Bernard
| - thumb|Harry Bernard (2364) Harry Bernard ist der Sohn von Harry Bernard, Sr.. Im Jahr 2364 wird er von den Aldeanern von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) entführt, um dem inzwischen unfruchtbaren Volk das Überleben zu sichern. Harry wurde von Philip N. Waller gespielt und von John-Alexander Döring synchronisiert. Laut Drehbuch ist Harry 10 Jahre alt.
- Harry Bernard was a Human child who lived aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. He was the son of Starfleet lieutenant Harry Bernard, Sr. In 2364, Harry was one of several Enterprise-D children who were kidnapped by the Aldeans in an effort to re-populate their planet. While in captivity Harry was exposed to sculpting for the first time under the instruction of Accolan and Leda, the most prominent artists on Aldea. Though he had never had experience sculpting before, Harry found that he had an innate ability and enjoyed the work tremendously.
- Nel 2364, Harry fu uno dei bambini dell'Enterprise che furono rapiti dagli aldeaniani che intendevano, con questo gesto, ripopolare il loro pianeta. Mentre era tenuto prigioniero, Harry fu per la prima volta orientato alla scultura sotto la supervisione Accolan e Leda, i più famosi scultori di Aldea. Sebbene non avesse avuto nessuna esperienza in questo campo prima di allora, Harry scoprì di avere un innata abilità e ne fu piacevolmente attratto. Informazioni di retroscenaHarry Bernard fu interpretato da Philip N. Waller; la sua età è specificata nello script dell'episodio.
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| - Harry Bernard was a Human child who lived aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. He was the son of Starfleet lieutenant Harry Bernard, Sr. In 2364, Harry was one of several Enterprise-D children who were kidnapped by the Aldeans in an effort to re-populate their planet. While in captivity Harry was exposed to sculpting for the first time under the instruction of Accolan and Leda, the most prominent artists on Aldea. Though he had never had experience sculpting before, Harry found that he had an innate ability and enjoyed the work tremendously. Upon his return to the Enterprise-D he told his father that he wanted to continue sculpting. His father agreed but insisted his son still had to learn calculus, a compromise young Harry was willing to live with. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" ) Harry was played by Philip N. Waller; according to the episode's script , he was ten years old in 2364, placing his birth in 2354.
- Nel 2364, Harry fu uno dei bambini dell'Enterprise che furono rapiti dagli aldeaniani che intendevano, con questo gesto, ripopolare il loro pianeta. Mentre era tenuto prigioniero, Harry fu per la prima volta orientato alla scultura sotto la supervisione Accolan e Leda, i più famosi scultori di Aldea. Sebbene non avesse avuto nessuna esperienza in questo campo prima di allora, Harry scoprì di avere un innata abilità e ne fu piacevolmente attratto. Dopo il suo ritorno a bordo dell'Enterprise chiese a suo padre di poter continuare a scolpire, suo padre acconsentì ma sostenne che suo figlio doveva prima imparare le operazioni.(TNG: "Il pianeta sterile") Informazioni di retroscenaHarry Bernard fu interpretato da Philip N. Waller; la sua età è specificata nello script dell'episodio.
- thumb|Harry Bernard (2364) Harry Bernard ist der Sohn von Harry Bernard, Sr.. Im Jahr 2364 wird er von den Aldeanern von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) entführt, um dem inzwischen unfruchtbaren Volk das Überleben zu sichern. Harry wird vom Kustos ausgesucht, da er künstlerische Veranlagungen besitzt. Er kommt zu Accolan und Leda in eine Einheit, wo er zum Bildhauer erzogen wird. Er schnitzt einen Delphin, zu dem er von seinem Vater inspiriert wird, der als Ozeanograph auf Zadar IV gearbeitet hat. Allerdings leisten die insgesamt sieben Kinder der Enterprise Widerstand und wollen zurück zu ihren Eltern. Als Harry den Planeten Aldea verlassen soll, lässt er seinen geschnitzten Delphin bei seinen Pflegeeltern Accolan und Leda zurück. (TNG: ) Harry wurde von Philip N. Waller gespielt und von John-Alexander Döring synchronisiert. Laut Drehbuch ist Harry 10 Jahre alt.
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