Novak was an SD-6 agent who joined Marcus and Sydney to acquire a Rambaldi artifact.
Novak was a powerful upper-level demon hellbent on gaining control of Buddha's Mystical Staff to spread evil across the world.
Novak is Tim Byrd's head of security. Appearances: Agents 2, Agents: The Beginning Portrayed by: Justin Swope
Novak fue un Gear de la Compañia C de la 26a Real Infantería de Tyro.
Novak is a Rear Admiral.
The ruler of Novak on Planet Bob, Voodoo, whose real name is Anzian has a long history leading this nation. He is currently the Emperor of the Imperial Assault Alliance, a practitioner of the Dark Side of the Force with the title Sith Lord.
During their conversation Smart and Novak are at a shy stand at an amusement park. Immediately after accepting, Novak is hit between the eyes with a baseball. Portrayed by Hal De Windt [Episode #92: "The Worst Best Man"].
Novak es un apellido visto en el dial del Faro, pudiendo ser así uno de los candidatos de Jacob. Su "número" es el 33. ("[[|]]")
Novak is the surname of one of the candidates that appeared on the lighthouse dial. His or her "number" is listed as #33. ("Lighthouse")
Novak era o sobrenome de um dos candidatos listados por Jacob. Ele (ou ela) era o candidato número 33, assim como Martin. ("Lighthouse") Categoria:Candidatos