| - There are 53 common vending machines in BioShock (43 Circuses of Values and ten El Ammo Banditos), carrying a total of 21 different items. Prices for different items vary by location. For example,in the Fleet Hall theater of Fort Frolic, there is a vending machine whose food items are marked up forty times the usual price. Vending machines do not sell ammunition for weapons that are not yet available for the player to find (i.e. Medical Pavilion has the Pistol, Machine Gun, and Shotgun; its vending machines have ammo for these weapons, but not the Grenade Launcher, Chemical Thrower, or Crossbow.) They never contain inventable ammunition types, which can only be made at U-Invent machines. All El Ammo Bandito machines sell base ammunition types, and will also have two additional types of advanced ammo available at the end of their list. However, only very limited amounts of the advanced ammo types can be bought.