The Game Chambers of Questal is an adventure game for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game written by Robert Kern and published by West End Games in 1990. The adventure background is to find, without Rebel Alliance support, a missing Rebel agent that was last seen in the planet Questal. The events lead to the characters trying to escape from a kind of killer amusement park controlled by an Imperial Moff. This adventure was later re-published in Classic Adventures: Volume Five by West End Games in 1998.
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| - The Game Chambers of Questal
- The Game Chambers of Questal
| - The Game Chambers of Questal, to publikacja zawierająca przygodę do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40033). Podręcznik wydano w 1990 roku i jego autorem jest Robert Kern.
- The Game Chambers of Questal is an adventure game for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game written by Robert Kern and published by West End Games in 1990. The adventure background is to find, without Rebel Alliance support, a missing Rebel agent that was last seen in the planet Questal. The events lead to the characters trying to escape from a kind of killer amusement park controlled by an Imperial Moff. This adventure was later re-published in Classic Adventures: Volume Five by West End Games in 1998.
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| - *Caniphant
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Publish Date
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| - *Alonzo
*Tormax Ardellian
*Mar Barezz
*Rake Corsail
*Lorenz Hurlothrumb
*Kersh Lauskner
*Bim Maldeen
*Thew Marstan
*Ref Mawber
*Lanni Peggann
*Mosh Pelkan
*Tan Shilley
*Darth Vader
*Tay Vanis
| - *Anti-grav chair
*Anti-grav rod
*Audio sensor
**Blaster carbine
**Blaster pistol
**Heavy blaster pistol
**Hold-out blaster
**Hunting blaster
*Computer tape
*Electric prod
*Electromagnetic field receptor
*Electro photo receptor
*Electroshock probe
*Force cage
*Fuel cell
*Grasper arm
*Gravity generator
*Hurlothrumbic Generator
*I/O jack
*Infrared receptor
*Ion cannon
*Laser cannon
*Laser welder
*Manipulator arm
*Memory disc
*Proton torpedo launcher
*Repulsor disc
*Repulsor vest
*Repulsorlift Tube
*Short-range beeper/beeper
*Thermal detonator
| - *Ardanium Rush
*Gralleenya Gala
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| - *Ardanium
*Bespin gas gem
*Galactic Credit Standard
*Imperial Sanction Card
*Laser pinwheel
*The Force
| - *Cloud car
*Sail barge
*Speeder bike
**74-Z speeder bike
**BTL Y-wing starfighter
**T-65 X-wing starfighter
**TIE/LN starfighter
**Star Destroyer
**Super Star Destroyer
**Asteroid-3 Swoop Racer
| - *Ellam's species
| - David R. Deitrick and Jeff McElroy
book title
| - The Game Chambers of Questal
| - *Alliance to Restore the Republic
**Alliance High Command
*Aratech Repulsor Company
*Bounty hunter
*Customs Inspector
*Dark Star Hellions
**Nebula Masters
*District Commander
*Galactic Empire
**Imperial Advisor
**Imperial Medi-Center
***Encephalo-Research Division
**Imperial Security Bureau
*Kersh Lauskner's Traveling Animal/Acrobatic Arcadium
*Mirt Alpitt and the Dust Storms
*Mobquet Swoops and Speeders
*Swoop gang
*The Flying Delmarijes
*Turf Boss
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| - *AgriDroid
*Assassin droid
**NIL-8 Assassin Droid
*Astromech droid
**R2-series astromech droid
**MSE-5 General Purpose Droid
*Protocol Desk-Droid
*Protocol droid
| - *Archais
*Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina
*Galactic City
**Imperial Palace
***Honest Ellam's Speeder Lot
***Bandor's Palace
****Game Chambers
***Pelkan's Mansion
**The Waste
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| - The Game Chambers of Questal, to publikacja zawierająca przygodę do gry fabularnej Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG) wydawanej przez West End Games (nr 40033). Podręcznik wydano w 1990 roku i jego autorem jest Robert Kern.
- The Game Chambers of Questal is an adventure game for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game written by Robert Kern and published by West End Games in 1990. The adventure background is to find, without Rebel Alliance support, a missing Rebel agent that was last seen in the planet Questal. The events lead to the characters trying to escape from a kind of killer amusement park controlled by an Imperial Moff. This adventure was later re-published in Classic Adventures: Volume Five by West End Games in 1998.