| - They operated out of a small planetoid called Vicerv 3 in the Elrood sector, where they had constructed a veritable fortress beneath the surface of the planet. Due to the increasing profits from their business, the base was able to have comfortable living quarters and all manner of amusement facilities for the men, as well as a docking platform for attack ships, a well-stocked arsenal, and an entire floor of slave pens. No one but the slavers themselves, and the slaves they captured, were ever allowed to come to the planet, buyers were never brought there. To keep their secrecy, they would arrange a neutral site to meet and do business.
| - They operated out of a small planetoid called Vicerv 3 in the Elrood sector, where they had constructed a veritable fortress beneath the surface of the planet. Due to the increasing profits from their business, the base was able to have comfortable living quarters and all manner of amusement facilities for the men, as well as a docking platform for attack ships, a well-stocked arsenal, and an entire floor of slave pens. No one but the slavers themselves, and the slaves they captured, were ever allowed to come to the planet, buyers were never brought there. To keep their secrecy, they would arrange a neutral site to meet and do business. The flagship of the slavers was known to be Tarnta's Fang, a modified CR90 corvette, which Bane himself could usually be found on. Along with many crewmembers, the ship also home to Nuubsal the Hutt, who took care of the slave pens. During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance decided to track down the base of Consolidations Unlimited, so that they could shut the operation down. To this end, a group of rebels boarded the Fang to gain the coordinates of Vicerv 3. Unfortunately, the rebels accidentally caused the ships engines to malfunction, causing the ship to crash into the planet Darstell 4. Bane himself managed to escape, but it is thought that Nuubsal was killed during the revolt of escaping slaves.