Nadine Hodges (portrayed by Sarah Carter) is a prosecutor in the Los Angeles County, District Attorney’s Office. She first appered in "Judgement Call" as the prosecutor of the case againt Duc Lu Phan, or Danny as he like to be called. Danny was a gang leader of a Los Angeles based Vietnamese, motorcycle/steet gang, called JFM (Just for Money), a "community support organisation" as Danny refers to it. Danny faced the death penalty for the kidnaping and murder of asian immigrants, infront of presiding Judge Franklin Trelane who's wife Danny was also suspected of having had killed.
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| - Nadine Hodges (portrayed by Sarah Carter) is a prosecutor in the Los Angeles County, District Attorney’s Office. She first appered in "Judgement Call" as the prosecutor of the case againt Duc Lu Phan, or Danny as he like to be called. Danny was a gang leader of a Los Angeles based Vietnamese, motorcycle/steet gang, called JFM (Just for Money), a "community support organisation" as Danny refers to it. Danny faced the death penalty for the kidnaping and murder of asian immigrants, infront of presiding Judge Franklin Trelane who's wife Danny was also suspected of having had killed.
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| - Los Angeles County, District Attorney’s Office
| - Nadine Hodges (portrayed by Sarah Carter) is a prosecutor in the Los Angeles County, District Attorney’s Office. She first appered in "Judgement Call" as the prosecutor of the case againt Duc Lu Phan, or Danny as he like to be called. Danny was a gang leader of a Los Angeles based Vietnamese, motorcycle/steet gang, called JFM (Just for Money), a "community support organisation" as Danny refers to it. Danny faced the death penalty for the kidnaping and murder of asian immigrants, infront of presiding Judge Franklin Trelane who's wife Danny was also suspected of having had killed. She had a casual interest in Don. "Judgment Call""Calculated Risk""In Plain Sight"