| - Her hair, a once lush sheen of gold in life, has now degraded to a dirty blonde, coming just short of coarse in its nature - an almost favorable unkempt look by any other name. The dim glow of her eyes does nothing to hide an inquisitive, confident nature, as if searching with purpose rather than the sake of doing so. For the most part, the rest of her face remains untouched from the rigors of death, save for a portion of exposed jawline, as if she perished from whatever fate she received before it had a chance to do any damage to her.
* From FlagRSP2 description.
| - Her hair, a once lush sheen of gold in life, has now degraded to a dirty blonde, coming just short of coarse in its nature - an almost favorable unkempt look by any other name. The dim glow of her eyes does nothing to hide an inquisitive, confident nature, as if searching with purpose rather than the sake of doing so. For the most part, the rest of her face remains untouched from the rigors of death, save for a portion of exposed jawline, as if she perished from whatever fate she received before it had a chance to do any damage to her. Years of lifelessness take their toll on the rest of her body, an almost gaunt representation of the form she was, and still seems to be proud of. Despite the traditional Forsaken Slouch, she opts to stand straight up. Clothing on her body stays fitted, her figure almost exagerrated by her state of undeath. Whatever steps necessary are taken to protect the lower half of her body - padded pants, tucked into boots, while the upper half stays free, any exposed parts devoid of rot or atrophy, aside from the fingers on her left hand thinning to near exposing. She was not a visage of perfection, though there have been far worse-off Forsaken roaming about.
* From FlagRSP2 description.