| - The Gore theory was originally created by Al Gore, the master mind of revolutionary ideas such as the Internet, voter fraud, and faulty logic. Gore is a man with so many scientific degrees and qualifications that the sheer mass of said degrees and qualifications caused them to gravitate into a black hole and disappear when asked why he was qualified to make such theories. One day, while he was praising himself for his accomplishments, he noticed something was happening to the Earth; it was getting warmer. He immediately consulted his 5 year-old son who had been watching a Canadian hockey game, and picked up the sheet of paper his son had been doodling on. There, he saw what he would later call a "Hockey stick graph", or a graph that started off with small values on the one end and then a sudden spike of doom on the other end. Believing that this was an omen from God sent through his 5 year-old son, he immediately claimed that the doodle was scientific evidence that the world was getting warmer, and began to travel around the country in his Hummer with his laptop sitting on the passenger's seat, happily sucking away electricity. When asked why his son's doodle should be accepted as scientific proof, Mr. Gore had this to say: "My son was hit by a car when he was younger so shame on you sir for questioning his well researched evidence!" After many days of hard and laborious research conducted from a bar in Vegas, Gore noticed that it was getting even warmer. Most men would assume that this was because he was in the middle of the desert, or that spring was simply turning into summer, but he was not most men. It was at this point that he created the Gore Theory, and predicted that because over the course of a few days the temperature was getting warmer, it would continue to get warmer for the rest of eternity until we all were burnt like "Jews in an oven" unless we immediately elected him president of the United States. When asked how electing him president of the United States would solve the crisis, he said: "I believe that the strong correlation between my election as president and the end of these world crisis is rather self-evident to anyone who isn't mildly retarded."