| - Monty is the (former) secondary antagonist of the Stuart Little franchise. He is Snowbell's best friend who craves to eat Stuart (although he has helped him at times). He is voiced by Steve Zahn in the first two films, by Rino Romano in the third film, and by André Sogliuzzo in the TV series. He was one of Smokey's henchmen. He was defeated when Snowbell ripped the branch he and the other cats were on. He became a supporting protagonist in the sequel. At the end, he sees Falcon falling into the trash can, and Monty presumably eats him.
- Monty is both nice and rude at times, but is mostly clueless. He is known for being a blabbermouth as he always spreads word about many things, such as Stuart having a "pet cat" in the first film (which he found hilarious).
- E' coinvolto nelle Quest:
* "Dove sono i cittadini scomparsi?"
- Monty is an agent of the PPC who lives in the city of York, England, in the Real World. He is a goose, and refused to answer any questions when the York 2008 PPC Gathering encountered him; however, it is assumed that he is from the Department of Intelligence, and was sent to keep an eye on the Gathering. Given the effects on HQ caused by the Oxford 2004 PPC Gathering's visit to Tolkien's grave, this is perfectly understandable. When not on duty, Monty lives in a pond outside the PPC town in New Caledonia.
- Monty is a character who appears in the upcoming Smurfs: The Lost Village film. He is Gargamel's pet vulture, who helps his master chase and collect Smurfs in order to extract Smurf essence from them in order for Gargamel to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world.
- Monty, labeled as The Tough Guy in Total Drama Borneo
- Monty is a character mentioned in Fallout 4.
- Monty is a man lots of hairdow
- Monty is a servant for the Woolsey Hive.
- Monty is an officer at the Lytton City Jail.
- Monty is fucking awesome.
- Monty is a character in the Stuart Little franchise. He is the (former) secondary antagonist in the first film and a supporting protagonist in the rest of the franshise. He is Snowbell's friend who wants to eat Stuart. He is voiced by Steve Zhan in the first film and the second film, by Rino Romano in the third film, and by Andre' Sogliuzzo In the TV series.
- Monty was a resident of Bowerstone Old Town. He is encountered during Childhood, in which he is seen courting Belinda. However, Belinda's mother, Deidre, disapproves of their relationship. After Deidre shoos him away, Monty hires Rose and Sparrow to deliver a love letter to Belinda, telling her to run away with him. The Hero then has the choice of either giving Belinda the letter, causing her to run away with Monty, or delivering the letter to Deidre. Either way, Rose and Sparrow get one gold and are able to move on with their goal.
- Monty appeared on Sesame Street from Season 23 until Season 29. Believing that pineapples have dentists and cabbages have feelings, this British chap gets his name (and his silly sense of logic) from Monty Python's Flying Circus. He often had a particularly tense relationship with the logic-minded Prairie Dawn. He described becoming a Birdketeer as being the happiest day of his life, before singing "Being a Birdketeer".
- Monty is a meerkat who makes his first and only appearance in Mabu's Mischief. He is Timon's nephew.
- Monty, nicknamed Monty Don, is a dog who used to be friends with Dodger in the Oliver and Company:The Series episode Welcome Back, Monty Don, which aired on October 23, 1998. He is voiced by Canadian actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd and as a pup he is voiced by Sean Marquette.
- Monty was a chemical element that was listed on the Table of Elements. It was a member of the Mega series. (TNG: "Rascals" ) Its name and symbol suggest that it was named for the Monty Python productions.
- Monty is a school nerd who is the forced right-hand man of popular student Victor Vincent.
- Monty is a supporting character in the game Dirk Valentine. He is a British intelligence agent who invented Dirk's signature chain cannon.
- Montgomery Earl (AKA Monty) is a prison inmate that was turned into a Blacksuit in the book Lockdown.
- Monty is a character introduced in The Monty Story, but has appeared in several different movies and TV shows. Mainly he is the star of his own chronology, The Monty Story.
- Monty was the owner of a crack house on Crescent. Monty had a deal with Vic Mackey for information in exchange of protection.
- Monty is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as a minor character in The Lost and Damned.
- Monty (Also known as Monty Python) is a long time Floodian. He is obsessed with many things, most notable Transformers, comic books, action figures, and the Beatles. He probably hates you.
- Monty is a district in the Kalistani province of Vrassa. Its capital is Python. It is a sparsely populated, mountainous district, notable for its tourism and national parks. Monty's largest industry is coal mining, though there is farming throughout the district. Most of the district is within the Monty Highlands.
- Doktor Monty – postać występująca w Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Kontaktuje się z graczami na mapie Gorod Krovi a także spotyka się z nimi osobiście na mapie Revelations.
- Monty is a level 12 quest giver and "Rat Extermination Specialist" located on the Ironforge side of the Deeprun Tram. It is common for Horde players who have entered the deeprun tram to kill him, triggering a "The Deeprun Tram is under attack" message in defense channels. Monty works on one side of the tram, exterminating the rat infestation as best he can, while his brother Nipsy sells local kabob on the other side. He starts the following quests:
* File:Alliance 15.png [12] Deeprun Rat Roundup
* File:Alliance 15.png [12] Me Brother, Nipsy See List of Deeprun Tram NPCs.
- Monty is yellow, and he has black legs, as nearly all Bin Weevils do. He has yellow eyes and wears a transaprent blue cap over his Super Antanne. He has a triangular head like Scribbles, and a square body, like Scribbles as well. File:Image364.jpg
- Monty was the house robot assisted P J Maybe in repelling visitors to Strepsylvania. A judge discovered his shot-up remains upstairs, when Psi-Judge Anderson led a team of judges to investigate the whereabouts of Judge Death.
- Monty is A Guardian Angel. From what viewers know, his hands were tied up by Rosie when Justin wasn't looking. He is played by Miles Wood.
- Monty was a long-time colleague of Malcolm Reynolds who also fought on the side of the Independents in the Unification War. At some point he was captured by Alliance troops on Beylix before the war ended. Monty was an extremely large, (Zoë referred to him as a "sasquatch") mostly genial and good-natured man. He was known among his friends for wearing a thick beard and mustache, however, he shaved the beard off for his wife, "Bridget", who turned out to be the con-woman Saffron. Monty quickly left her after learning about Saffron's identity and that she said Mal's name before he even told her. Monty apparently had a formidable reputation as a brawler; when Kaylee asked if Mal got into a fight with him (due to wounds from his scuffle with Saffron), Zoe noted that if he had, the crew would be
- Monty (full name Monty of the Herm) is a member of the New Pacific Order. CSUMBA is a growing, mostly developed, and ancient nation with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Christianity. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of CSUMBA work diligently to produce Cattle and Spices as tradable resources for their nation. The government has no definite position on foreign affairs at this time. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. Plans are on the way within CSUMBA to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use
- Monty was a LARPer in the roleplaying game Moondoor, and his character was a Shadow Orc. When Sam and Dean Winchester arrived at the LARPing field, Monty was locked up in a stockade, accused of being a thief. Dean later decided with Boltar to use him as a resource to draw out the Shadow King, and carry out a prisoner exchange, as they were under the impression the Shadow King had kidnapped the queen.
- Monty is a loyal canine companion, who sometimes goes undercover with Deeks. Monty's special talent is that he can smell out bombs. Although he may not be on active duty, Monty has already saved the team by sniffing out a hidden plastique bomb. Little is known of his life before joining Deeks, although Deeks says that he was a rescue dog, suggesting he spent time in an animal shelter. Monty had his first appearance in episode Deliverance (2x10) and later reprises in the episodes Imposters (2x23) and Deadline (3x04) and Rude Awakenings (4x06).