| - Field Magics come in 3 primary forms; Damaging Elemental Magic, Status Effect Magic, and Others. Elemental Magic contains Fire-type, Lightning-type, Ice-type, and Light-type Magic. The damage from these magics can be cut in half by wearing the corresponding Elemental Bracelet Accessory. Unlike Offensive Magic in Battle, Field Magic can not randomly lower stats based on the element of magic being used. Status Effect Magic contains Weaken-type and Alter-type Magic. Other contains Summon-type, Move-type, and Special-type Magic. All Magic can be bought in Magic Stores except for Town Conjure, Conjure All, Psychokinesis, Death Call, Vacuum, and Mix-up. These spells still can be found in other ways, primarily Kira or Magic Spaces.
| - Field Magics come in 3 primary forms; Damaging Elemental Magic, Status Effect Magic, and Others. Elemental Magic contains Fire-type, Lightning-type, Ice-type, and Light-type Magic. The damage from these magics can be cut in half by wearing the corresponding Elemental Bracelet Accessory. Unlike Offensive Magic in Battle, Field Magic can not randomly lower stats based on the element of magic being used. Status Effect Magic contains Weaken-type and Alter-type Magic. Other contains Summon-type, Move-type, and Special-type Magic. All Magic can be bought in Magic Stores except for Town Conjure, Conjure All, Psychokinesis, Death Call, Vacuum, and Mix-up. These spells still can be found in other ways, primarily Kira or Magic Spaces. The amount of Field Magics you can hold are dependent on the job you have. The chance of hitting is determined by your SP stat compared to their SP stat. If your SP is equal, you will hit at a 60% rate. The lowest hit rate you can have is 20%. (If the target has a Magic Mirror, the hit chance is 0%.) When using damaging spells, your damage is based on your MG stat compared to their MG stat. The minimum damage is 1 HP.