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The brig is actually one of the most secure places on the planet, cold and made of durasteel, it would take a miracle to break out of this place. Guards line the halls, and occasionally walk around checking through the duraplast windows to see that prisoners are still inside their cells; corridors remain military-grade polished, to a dull shine and the echoes of some of the more unruly inmates can be heard only from time to time; some crying in shame, others screaming for release.

  • RPlog:Welcome To NR
  • The brig is actually one of the most secure places on the planet, cold and made of durasteel, it would take a miracle to break out of this place. Guards line the halls, and occasionally walk around checking through the duraplast windows to see that prisoners are still inside their cells; corridors remain military-grade polished, to a dull shine and the echoes of some of the more unruly inmates can be heard only from time to time; some crying in shame, others screaming for release.
  • 15(xsd:integer)
  • --12-22
  • Welcome to the Republic
  • The heat comes down on Dareus after a Maffi Operation doesn't go quite as planned; and he finds out the New Republic and the Empire aren't that different in one respect...
  • Military Compound Brig - Ord Mantell
  • The brig is actually one of the most secure places on the planet, cold and made of durasteel, it would take a miracle to break out of this place. Guards line the halls, and occasionally walk around checking through the duraplast windows to see that prisoners are still inside their cells; corridors remain military-grade polished, to a dull shine and the echoes of some of the more unruly inmates can be heard only from time to time; some crying in shame, others screaming for release. Dareus, does neither. Still dressed in the same suit he was arrested in; except thoroughly searched, he sits on what the New Republic seems to call a bed, his jacket removed with his personal affects; back against the wall and legs stretched out across the surface of the bed, crossed at the ankles, looking more bored about the fact he's in here. Occasionally he glances around the cell as if he were comparing it to something, laughing a little, "At least I'm not strung up from the ceiling I guess." Now this brings back memories. Not that Senator Marx has any arrests on her record - plenty of visits under her belt, though. So it's with a certain degree of familiarity that Del makes her way down the guard-lined hallways, offering the occasional quick grin to some of the guards she's met before on her way past, before she comes to a stop in front of Dareus' cell. "Give me a couple of minutes?" she asks the guard outside the door, smiling lopsidedly at him as she steps up to the glass. "I'll stay out here so you don't have a heart attack, don't worry." He yawns a little, standing up to use the sink to spray some water into his hands; wetting his face and hair, before Dareus walks back and has a seat on the bed. He wipes his hands down his shirt as if he were dusting it off, although it doesn't appear dirty, glancing back over at the smaller sized window and laughing a little while he shakes his head, looking jokingly around the cell, "Someone else hiding in here that you're afraid of?" Crossing his arms over his chest he leans back against the wall, tapping his fingers against one of his sleeves, "Or is this some normal protocol for people taking off from the planet?" Del waits for the guard to have wandered a ways off to join one of his compatriots before she smiles roguishly at Dareus, lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "I'm just allergic to the insides of jail cells, that's all," she replies lightly. "Nothing to be scared of." She takes a quick look around and makes a bit of a face, tucking her hands into her pockets. "You'd think they'd put some chairs for visitors in here.. looks more comfortable in there than it is out here. Out of curiosity, what did they put you in here for?" she asks, inclining her head to Dareus and arching an eyebrow. He doesn't bother getting up, but just continues to look at her, quirking an eyebrow for a second and looking around the cell, "Sure, much more comfortable. I'll trade you spots." Dareus stands up and slides his hands into his pockets, walking a few paces around the cell "This really isn't the place one gets visitors normally; so I doubt they'll make the occasional person really comfortable." He chuckles when turning his back to her; walking a few steps forwards, "Who knows what I'm really in here for, apparently I stormed through some base or something and killed some people, stole a Jedi....who knows. It's just another inconvenience of mine, if you ask me. Feels a little too much like I got hauled back into the Empire, right now." "Wow, I'm impressed," Del muses, her tone suggesting that she's anything but. "Stealing a Jedi is right up there with taking out the Emperor's guards. You're really moving up in the galaxy, aren't you?" She pauses, eyeing the cell, and amends, "Well. Maybe not." Shrugging, she tilts her head and watches him as he wanders around his cell, developing a slight grin. "Sorry. Low blow on my part. If you're going to be comparing every cell you're thrown into with the Empire, though, maybe you're in the wrong line of work. You haven't been particularly subtle, when I've seen you." "Subtle? I tend to not have time to be subtle, 16 hours of wining and dining someone, showing off for them all when a few simple words can do the trick." He shrugs well he turns back, "Besides, I haven't had shattered bones in here yet, so it's still far better ranking than the Empire. Not like I would need to worry about their cells ever again; they wouldn't bother arresting me if I went back." A small grin crosses Dareus' face with that thought, "Besides, if I were guilty, I'd be under heavier guard and sure as hell not sitting on this base; I figure it's just pick on some random person who happened to be on Nar Shaddaa when everything happened. I'm too old to bother with government politics anymore." "Innocent until proven guilty. We do things different out here. If you /want/ a heavier guard, you could tell one of these gentlemen what's happened, but I doubt you're interested in a long-term meal plan," Del replies, keeping her grin as she watches him. "Ah, got to watch the changing of the guard, huh? It's like the leaves changing colors before the first snow.. happens all the time," she muses, leaning lazily against the glass. "Doesn't usually happen with an IGN reporter present to take nice crisp pictures of the participants, though." "I think I'm just fine with the guards I have, but thanks for the offer; it's always nice to know someone's looking out for you." He turns to walk slowly back towards the door, upon hearing the IGN part, he starts to laugh- rather hard at that. "Crisp images...that's a good one. Makes it look nice and simple like a barfight and such. Funny how normally the guard changes on Nar Shaddaa; but..." Dareus smirks at her, "Not often that the new kingpin has that kind of backing; is it? Most of you guys all just wipe your hands clean and make a few trips here and there when it suits you; well, looks like those convenient little days might very well be over." Scratching his cheek, he just shakes his head while he turns again, shrugging "I figure I'm safer inside this cell right now though; compared to the rumor that a little monkey lizard left on my doorstep." "You'd be surprised, actually," Del muses, grinning lopsidedly at Dareus through the glass. "Malign was a majordomo out there for a while. Some hutt's little errand boy. Finding a bit player who doesn't want to become the headliner or puppeteer eventually is pretty much impossible," she muses, shrugging a shoulder. "It was really just a matter of time." Dareus nods, "Yeah well, he can have all the puppets he wants; half the smugglers in the galaxy bow down to him and even more frightening is the fact that most of the arms dealers and major...let's call them questionable businessmen, do the same thing." Grinning, he moves and sits back down, cracking a few vertibrae in his neck with a few sharp turns of his head, "Unless you haven't been to Caspar or Nar Shaddaa in a long time, you were probably aware of that though. Just do the city a favour and keep an eye out for anything unusual, I plan on being able to walk out of here alive as opposed to a bodybag; but then again, I'm sure that NRI is aware of that, since the information probably came from your very people." He just loves rattling the cage, anyone could see that, especially when it was Dareus who was in the cage, For all that Dareus enjoys rattling the cage, Del herself is looking far from rattled. She's still smiling and leaning comfortably against the glass, the picture of calm, quiet amusement. "Well, he is a Sith lord," she replies dryly. "People like keeping their heads attached to their bodies. I'm sure you know how it is." She finally straightens up and pushes up one of her sleeves to check her watch, pursing her lips in thought. "Now, unless I miss my guess, you probably have a date coming up pretty soon," she murmurs thoughtfully, casting a curious glance back up the hallway towards the entrance. "As cushy as the cells are, this is sadly not a resort, and folks have jobs to do." A date, "Would it be blonde or redhead, sometimes I forget which one I have scheduled for the day?" Dareus scratches his head, acting as if he were seriously considering which one but it would remain easy to see that's not the case, at least from a holding cell; shrugging it off while he chuckles, "Sith Lord...yeah, I can understand how most people are terrified of them; they're also able to be manipulated...inflate the ego, a bit of a power promise and you'd be surprised what strings they pull...gets tiring to listen to and watch after a while." Laughing a little he looks back just in time to see her check her chrono, "Nice to be a free man though." Glancing arond the cell, he adds, "Well, relatively I guess...." "Oh, pretty much everyone can be manipulated, sport," Del chuckles, taking a step back from the glass and loosely clasping her hands behind her back. "I can't tell you how many times the manipulator has become the manipulated without ever even realizing it. They practically invented those games, so be mindful of who you pick for a playmate." A long night of finding out what happened, followed by heavy drinking and not being able to find a good hooker, has left Doril in quite the bad mood. Offering a bit of a yawn, he approaches the military garrison with a look that speaks volumes. He is not amused. Tripping over dead bodies, sliding down ladder tubes and nearly killing Thrask, not to mention that pain in the ass Lance fellow, was not his idea of fun. Well. Except for almost shooting Lance. Ahem! "Admiral Farnsworth to see this so called Dareus." Doril says. "And no, I have not got any weapons. Have you cleaned up all of the dead bodies lying around!?" He asks, almost defiantly, his eyes glancing at one of the Privates he remembers from the night before. "Oh. By the way. Drop and give me pushups until I leave this room." He says with a smirk. "Yes, I'm a prick, but I have great hearing and you mutter loudly!" Korbel says, shaking his head and doing all to taunt the man, except for stick out his tongue. Childish really, but funny from an outsider's perspective, looking in! "Now, open the door." SCCHHH. The door opens. Yes. With that exact sound! Suddenly, snowballs from out of no where! "What the..." Doril looks around, but everyone is still, looking innocent. Except Dareus, because we all know he's a criminal. CRIMINAL! "Hi. I'm Admiral Farnsworth. You might remember me from such IGN stories about blockades, and calling the Empire out." He says with a very sarcastic smile. "Now, would someone explain to me what the hell a Senator is doing speaking to a prisonner in my garrison, without my own permission, or that of Admiral Stone?" He doesn't give time to answer. "Mmkay. You..." He looks at Del, giving her a once over. "And I need to speak in private later." He says with a wink to her. Hello hottie. "Did I mention I am /Admiral/ Doril Farnsworth?" Walking back up to the window, he glances at her with a wry grin, "Funny, most people say that too; which is why I'm very careful about my playmates." He just winks at her for that one, before Dareus clasps his hands behind his back, "Just so you don't get confused about who's you, you might want to know that I submitted to your governments' little search, and walked in peacefully. Just another day for me, if I'd wanted or had the need to be gone. I would have been." While the Admiral appears, Dareus just eyes him for a brief moment and looks back to Del, "I guess flag officers are the same on each side of the fence." "I think you may have mentioned it once or twice, Admiral, yes," Del muses as she straightens up and inclines her head politely to the arriving ADMIRAL. (I hear he's an Admiral, but it may just be a rumor.) "And that would have been a lack of forethought on my part, I'm afraid. My bad. Forgive me?" She holds up her hands placatingly and winks right back at Doril. Then she looks to Dareus, grinning cheerfully and bowing her head. "I'm sure they'll keep your cooperation in mind. Now, I don't want to get in the way here, so I can be on my merry if you handsome gentlemen would like a bit of privacy to do whatever it is you do?" she asks, looking between the pair and smiling winningly. Korbel smiles towards Del, offering her a nod, and another wink. Ohhhh, a game of winks! HAWT! "I'm sure we can find something that you can do for me, in order to achieve forgiveness from this Admiral." Doril says with a grin. "I will speak with you later, Senator, if that is alright?" He says, reaching out to move some hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. "Loose strands, gotta hate 'em!" He says with a shrug and big eyes, as if to say...well...exactly what he said. Weird, that. "As for this piece of cooperative shit, I will handle him." Korbel says as he turns to look at Dareus. "We are going to go to a more private place." That is soundproof, with cameras that only Intel folks can see, with nice big men outside who will rip Dareus a new arsehole if Korbel asks for it!! Yep, exciting, eh!? "We just need to talk in a quiet place where people won't interrupt." Or see what's going on, because we all know Korbel's all l337 and what not, right? Yeah. "I'll have him back here in no time." 'After I hurt him a little.' Korbel thinks to himself, smiling sweetly. "So come along cooperative man, and see the questioning room!" Dareus nods quietly, crossing his arms over his chest, and standing there, tapping his foots slightly, "Sure, sounds like a grand old time." Senator huh...well, he'll be damned. Might as well make with the nice, she did. "Senator, it's been a pleasure...if you need anything, feel free to drop me a line. Every government has it's uses for simple men who run about the galaxy, I'm sure." Turning his eyes back to Korbel, he looks down a little, "Shall I teleport through the door, or would you be so kind as to perhaps unlock this so I can follow?" He chuckles a little, with a half smirk and half polite smile, "Just one of those little things, I don't know about you but I prefer doors to be open before I go through them, fewer headaches that way, I find." "I'll make sure my office knows to expect you," Del replies to Korbel, taking a step back towards the door once he's finished getting the hair out of her face. "I have a few appointments to deal with tomorrow, but I can clear a bit of time after lunch for you to come by for a chat." She smiles lopsidedly at him and - yes - winks, the smile turning into a grin for Dareus as she turns to make her way out the door. "You can talk with the good Admiral here about that, Dareus. His opinion of you will carry a lot of weight, so make sure you play nice." And with that, the door makes that totally wicked awesome SCCHHH noise again and allows Del to take her leave, a rather amused grin on her face.
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