Arrax was a dragon ridden by Prince Lucerys Velaryon during the Dance of the Dragons. He was mature enough to be ridden and still young and growing. He was five times smaller than Vhagar.
Arrax war ein Drache zur Zeit des Drachentanzes. Er wurde von Prinz Lucerys Velaryon geritten.
Arrax was a dragon ridden by Prince Lucerys Velaryon during the Dance of the Dragons. He was mature enough to be ridden and still young and growing. He was five times smaller than Vhagar.
zurückhaltend, schroff
Arrax was one of the dragons that belonged to House Targaryen, which fought during the great civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons, during which it was the mount of Rhaenyra Targaryen's son Lucerys Velaryon.
Arrax był młodym smokiem związanym z księciem Lucerysem Velaryonem, podczas Tańca ze Smokami.
Arrax était un dragon monté par le prince Lucerys Velaryon pendant la Danse des Dragons.
Arrax war einer der zwölf Drachen, die zu Beginn des Drachentanzes auf Drachenstein lebten und einer von sechs, die geritten wurden. Sein Reiter war Prinz Lucerys Velaryon, der zweiten Sohn von Rhaenyra Targaryen und ihrem ersten Gemahl Laenor Velaryon.