| - Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance (Romantic dramedy?) A series by Ravenflight92, based on Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it- it is amazing and hilarious and depressing and beautiful and much better than what I could do. Introductions - Littleclaw is just a typical IceClan warrior doing typical warrior things- hunting, fighting with his enemy Stonepelt, hanging with his friend Waterstripe, pining after his crush Flowerheart, aspiring to take over the Clan... okay, maybe that last part's not so typical. (*Spoiler: no.)
| - Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance (Romantic dramedy?) A series by Ravenflight92, based on Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it- it is amazing and hilarious and depressing and beautiful and much better than what I could do. Introductions - Littleclaw is just a typical IceClan warrior doing typical warrior things- hunting, fighting with his enemy Stonepelt, hanging with his friend Waterstripe, pining after his crush Flowerheart, aspiring to take over the Clan... okay, maybe that last part's not so typical. On The Rise - Can Littleclaw get Flowerheart back from Stonepelt? Will he always just be her friend? Will he ever become leader? Why am I asking you? Victory - Everything's fallen into place, the lights are on, the camera's rolling, and it's time for action. But will victory be worth the price?* Characters - Are you thinking "Gah, Raven, what's with all these names?" Well, then this page is for you! Contains all the characters in the series! (*Spoiler: no.)