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- Star Wars is a series of sci fi films. The movies chronicle the adventures of a group of characters "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away". During the 1980s, the Strategic Defence Initiative was dubbed "Star Wars" after the film.
- Star Wars was a movie franchise on Earth that John Crichton referenced a lot while in the Uncharted Territories. When Moya landed on Denea, Crichton pointed out the similarities to Dagobah, home to Yoda. ("I, E.T.")
- Star Wars - лицензионная серия, запущенная в 1999 году.
- Star Wars is a science fiction franchise by George Lucas and centered around a film series of which the original first film appeared in 1977.
- If you are reading this article, it's already too late. Expect to be seeing Jar Jar Binks in heaven any time soon. Not to mention Pasta!
- Star Wars is a series of movies that are extremely popular. Teal'c has displayed a great love of the series in the past.
- Star Wars is a series of six movies and related franchises created by George Lucas.
- Star Wars is a film franchise consisting of eight feature films, starting with Star Wars (1977), which was directed and written by George Lucas. This space opera story is about freedom fighters rebelling against an evil empire ruling over a distant galaxy. The original Star Wars was followed by The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), and then by the prequels The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), Revenge of the Sith (2005), and Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008). Disney is producing more feature films, starting with Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). The films inspired tremendous merchandizing and gained a large fan base.
- Lego Star Wars es un videojuego lanzado por Lucas Films y Traveler´s Tales, es un videojuego en tercera persona salida al venta por edicion completa en 2006.
- The Star Wars movie franchise has spawned five machines, and thus may refer to:
* Star Wars, the 1987 Sonic machine
* Star Wars, the 1992 Data East machine
* Star Wars Trilogy, the 1997 Sega machine
* Star Wars Episode I, the 1999 Williams machine Or:
* The Empire Strikes Back, the 1980 Hankin machine based on the franchise's second released film
- Star Wars is often mentioned or talked about in "Weird Al" Yankovic songs.
- |} Star Wars - dziewiąty odcinek pierwzszego sezonu Jessie.
- thumb Star Wars, traducido al español como La Guerra de las Galaxias, es una franquicia compuesta de películas, novelas, cómics, videojuegos y juguetes. Es un universo de ficción creado por George Lucas. La historia de Star Wars utiliza arquetipos comunes a la ciencia ficción, climax político y mitología, así como temas musicales de estos aspectos
- Star Wars was a highly popular science fiction franchise during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, consisting of various productions in multiple media. Mrs. Davis, the counselor at Lewis Elementary School in 2003, did not know the difference between Star Wars and another similarly-named science fiction franchise of the same time period. (TOS - Constellations short story: "Make-Believe")
- Star Wars (Scilicet Latine Bella Stellaria vel Bella Astralia) est nomen seriei pellicularum utopicae. Dispositor et effector erat George Lucas
- Se conoce que J.J. Abrams y Damon Lindelof son grandes fans de estas películas[1]. El día que se conocieron para comenzar a colaborar en Lost, J.J. llevaba un camiseta de Star Wars, y como resultado ambos descubrieron una conexión mutua.
- Star Wars (teilweise ins deutsche Übersetzt mit Krieg der Sterne) ist eine US-amerikanische Kinofilmreihe von George Lucas, deren erster Film 1977 erschien. Neben den sechs Kinofilmen entstanden noch weitere Filme und Serien fürs Fernsehen.
- Star Wars is a science fiction movie series, as well as books, cartoons, computer games and much more. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Numerous Star Wars related games have appeared on Nintendo gaming devices, the earliest being Star Wars, a game released on the Famicom in 1987. Since then, a Star Wars game has appeared on every Nintendo console and handheld (with the exception of Virtual Boy). The complete list can be seen below.
- Star Wars is a media franchise.
- Star Wars ist besser als Star Trek.
- Star wars wiki
- The film series has spawned a media franchise outside the film series called the Expanded Universe including books, television series, computer and video games, and comic books. These supplements to the film trilogies have resulted in significant development of the series' fictional universe. These media kept the franchise active in the interim between the film trilogies. The franchise portrays a galaxy that is described as far, far away in the distant past. It commonly portrays Jedi as a representation of good, in conflict with the Sith, their evil counterpart. Their weapon of choice, the lightsaber, is commonly recognized in popular culture. The fictional universe also contains many themes, especially influences of philosophy and religion.
- Star Wars er et episk eventyr der fortæller historien om Anakin Skywalker og hans drabelige eventyr og hans Sith kællinger.
- Star Wars is the first franchise covered by the LEGO Games.
- Star Wars is a science fiction franchise created by George Lucas. Seven of the intended nine films have been released since 1977.
- Star Wars is a campy movie. The first film, A New Hope, had ground breaking effects, yet a tiny budget. This article is a stub, it needs work.
- Star Wars is the fictional universe created by George Lucas and added upon by numerous authors and artists.
- Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
- Star Wars ist eine vom Drehbuchautor, Produzent und Regisseur George Lucas erdachte Science-Fiction-Saga.
- The Star Wars Trilogies are, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest six films (yes, all six) ever to be made or experienced by the human species. End of story.
- As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately US$4.3 billion, making it one of the most successful franchises of all time.
- Ok, das kennt wahrscheinlich jeder. Ähnlich wie ein Märchen, bloß dass es im Weltraum spielt. Dazu gibt es natürlich auch unglaublich viele Merchandising Artikel, wie zum Beispiel Spiele, Comics, Bücher, Figuren, T-Shirts, Kostüme, etc. Einige Leute haben auch daraus eine eigene Religion abgeleitet: die Jedi... naja, Freaks. Aber lustig.
- Star Wars is a media franchise that begins with Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a space opera created by George Lucas. Since that time, it has spawned a trilogy, a prequel trilogy, novels, comic books, several animated series, and a number of role-playing games.
- Star Wars is a franchise that can kick Star Trek's peacelovin', leotard-wearin', Prime-Directive-obeyin' ass. For those of you not familiar with it, it is a parody of Spaceballs
- Known factions include Bounty Hunters, Empire, Jedi, Rebel, Republic, Separatist, and Sith.
- Star Wars is a epic space opera franchise created by George Lucas. Originally six films based around the life of main character Anakin Skywalker, many expanded universe stories have been told. It became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon after the first film was released in 1977.
- Star Wars is published by Marvel Comics. The cover price is $3.99.
- 160px|right|thumb|George Lucas Star Wars (pol. Gwiezdne wojny) - uniwersum stworzone przez George'a Lucasa. Początkowo była to trylogia filmowa, z czasem nakręcono kolejne trzy części, których akcja toczy się przed wydarzeniami z pierwotnej serii. Ogromna oryginalność i obszerność świata stworzonego przez Lucasa, doprowadziła do stworzenia dziesiątek książek, komiksów, gier i serii odcinkowej, a także figurek i strojów postaci ze SW. Powstała nawet sekta, która sama siebie nazwała Rycerzami Jedi. Aktualnie świat SW jest uznawany za jeden z najbardziej obszernych w fantastyce.
- Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas.
- Star Wars is an epic science fiction saga and fictional universe created by George Lucas. The Star Wars story employs archetypal motifs common to science fiction, political climax and classical mythology, as well as musical motifs of those aspects. As one of the foremost examples of the space opera sub-genre of science fiction, Star Wars has become part of mainstream popular culture, as well as being one of the highest-grossing series of all time. The movies have become even more popular in recent years with a new generation of Star Wars fans, and is one of the most popular franchises ever.
- Pez began its Star Wars collection in 1997 with the introduction of C-3PO, Darth Vader, Storm Trooper,Yoda, and Chewbacca. They were folowed in 1999 by Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, and Ewok. Then in 2002, R2-D2, Jango Fett, and a Clone Trooper were released. The most recent Star Wars characters appeared in 2005:Emperor Palpatine, General Grievous, another Chewbacca, and a the Death Star. All are valued under $10 and most can be purchased in sets. A set of three crystal limited editions has been introduced, each with its own stand.
- Star Wars (SW) omfatter, utover seks filmer, også dataspill, fanfiksjon, m.m. Selve Star Wars-sagaen og -miljøet er grunnlagt av filmskaperen George Lucas, men fenomenet er så utbredt at mange fans og forfattere på egen hånd har utvidet dette i form av noveller, hjemmelagde filmklipp m.m. Det er til og med opprettet en wikier over hele verden for å kunne dekke alt stoffet. thumb|290px|Star Wars-logoen.
- Star Wars is a series of films created by George Lucas and mainly focuses on six films. From the six films, a countless number of books, games and other merchandise has been released, some of which are based outside of the movies.
- Star Wars est une série de sept films thumb|left|340px|Le logo du filmde Science-fiction créés par Georges Lucas en 1977.
- Dark Horse Comics has produced many licensed works, a large number of which take place in the Star Wars universe. Dark Horse first published for Star Wars with Star Wars: Dark Empire in 1991. Dark Horse has also republished the Marvel Star Wars comics. Due to Disney acquiring the rights of Star Wars, publication rights of Star Wars were transferred back to Marvel as of 2015. : Back to title selection : [[:Category:Comics |Comics ]] : Star Wars [[Category:Comics ]]
- Star Wars est une saga cinématographique devenue très populaire. Teal'c affirma l'avoir beaucoup apprécié.
- Star Wars es una es una franquicia de medios reconocida principalmente por su línea de películas, esta marca se a unido a Club Penguin en algunas ocasiones. Quizá estés buscando:
* Star Wars: La Invasión
* Star Wars Rebels: La Invasión
- Star Wars är en serie filmer som är extremt populära. Teal'c har visat stor kärlek av serien tidigare.
- Star Wars is a series of epic science fiction action films. These films were directed by George Lucas. As of the release of Space Quest 6, only three had been made. This "original trilogy" starred a young Luke Skywalker as he and his comrades tried to take down the evil Darth Vader and the oppressive Galactic Empire. The film series has been parodied in the Space Quest series numerous times.
- Star Wars is a series that was created in the 1970's when an old man came up with this ridiculous idea that would get him a lot of money. So he created Star Wars, a fictional universe that centered around characters Anakin Skycrawler, Luke Skycrawler, and Slowbi Wan Kenobi. And two of them died (haha).
- Because you have failed to leave any kind of comment HERE the wrath of Star Wars is now upon thee. Behold 10 (completely and utterly true) reasons why Star Wars is better then Star Trek.
- Star Wars is a 20th Century movie saga. There have been many references to the franchise have been featured in various episode of Futurama, from explicit references, visual gags, and nods to famous lines and shots.
- Star Wars ist der Prototyp des nie endenden Hollywood-Franchises von George Lucas. Es zeichnet sich durch seinen enormen Überlebenswillen aus. Die Saga hält sich durch mittelmäßige Bücher, kindische Animationsfilme, Spiele für alle gängigen Konsolen und bedruckte Unterwäsche am Leben.
- thumb|Ein Snowspeeder, wie er in Episode V vorkommt und womit Han Solo und Luke Skywalker gerettet werden. Star Wars ist eine 30 Jahre alte Saga, die Geschichte geschrieben hat.Sie setze neue Maßstäbe in Special-Effects, Story, dämlichen Dialogen, Liebesszenen und natürlich in der Theologie. Die Star Wars Saga ist in ihrer ganzen Fülle in sechs offizielle Filme eingeteilt, die sich jeweils nochmal in die alte und neue Trilogie einteilen. Hinzu kommt, dass kleinere Projekte die Welt von Star Wars komplett darstellen. Dazu gehören z.B. die Clone Wars Filme und einige andere schlechtere Filme, die etwas mit den Ewoks zu tun haben. Da diese aber jedoch eher eine Qual sind, werden sie im folgenden Teilabschnitt nicht erwähnt.
- Other puppet characters included Yoda and Salacious B. Crumb. The Star Wars cast also guest starred on The Muppet Show episode 417. An online video parodying Star Wars was made, titled Grocery Store Wars. All of the characters were puppets, using strings, wires, and some computer animation.
- Star Wars is an upcoming world in Disney Crossy Road. The world was confirmed on the 10th of July, 2016 after the game was datamined.
- A saga including The Clone Wars, A New Hope,and Attack Of The Clones.
- Here is a collection of "Star Wars" movie posters
* The Phantom Menace
* Attack Of The Clones
* Revenge Of The Sith
* A New Hope
* Empire Strikes Back
* Return Of The Jedi
- thumb|right|250px|Star Wars-Logo Star Wars ist ein Fantasy-Film aus dem Jahre 1977, der in einer weit entfernten Galaxie spielt.
- Star Wars is what this Wiki is all about, If you don't Know about the Franchise, I guess you wouldn't be here, so I will not waste Your time, If you would like to Learn about things other than Collecting Go to the Largest Star Wars Wiki on the Internet: Wookiepedia
- The Star Wars science fiction movie, novel and video game series that is widely related with LucasArts. But due to George Lucas recently retiring, Star Wars and all of its trademark properties were bought and now owned by Disney. Many of the Star Wars characters are made from the sprites of the Super Star Wars series on the Super Nintendo. Almost every character and enemy from those games have been made into a mugen character.
- Star Wars is a classic six-film saga made by George Lucas, which is commonly referred to by three movies each: first, the Prequel Trilogy of episodes I (The Phantom Menace, 1999), II (Attack of the Clones, 2002) and III (Revenge of the Sith, 2005). Secondly, there is what is most commonly referred to as the Original Trilogy of episodes IV (A New Hope, 1977), V (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980), and VI (Return of the Jedi, 1983).
- Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
- Questa è la Wiki italiana di Star Wars, la Javapedia, chiamata anche Jawapedia.
- The Star Wars were a series of wars that took place between 1792 and 1865. The conflict arose over the Martian invasion of the moon in 1792, after which the forces of the United States of Canada, lead by Benjamin Franklin, quickly developed advanced space flight capabilities and engaged the martians. The conflict quickly escalated, however, to the point where typical weapons became useless and, displaying a continued ability to very quickly develop technology, both the Martians and the Canadians developed devices capable of launching entire stars at enemies. Thus the wars became known as the Star Wars.
- Le wiki Star Wars traite de la série de films et de dessins animés Star Wars ainsi que de ses séries dérivées. Ce wiki tente de fournir toute l'information existante sur Star Wars dont les films, les livres, les bandes dessinées, les acteurs, les planètes, la musique, les jeux vidéo et bien plus! Catégorie:Communautés sur Twitter
- Welcome to the Star Wars category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately! "Star Wars" and all of its characters and situations are the creation and property of George Lucas. Novelas and its users make use of these characters and situations without permission. It is used strictly for purposes of entertainment and appreciation, without monetary gain. Should the license-holders object to this, it will be removed.
- Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created and directed by George Lucas. It is also one of Rob's obsessions.
- Star Wars er en film han dere Georg Lucas har laga. Den er delt opp i 6% filmer, som alle har den samma handlingen: Sloss, drepe og skyte folk.
- Addison revealed to Derek that for her prom, she went out with Skippy Gold, who spoke about Star Wars all night. ("Losing My Religion")
- La Guerre des Étoiles (Star Wars) est une épopée de science-fiction créée par Georges Lucas. J.J. Abrams et Damon Lindelof ont exprimé leur admiration pour les films de la saga. [1] Le jour où ils se sont rencontrés pour commencer leur collaboration sur LOST, Damon Lindelof portait un t-shirt original et officiel du fan-club Star Wars et les deux se sont par conséquent instantanément bien entendus. Il y a donc beaucoup de références à Star Wars dans LOST.
- Star Wars, Stjärnornas Krig på svenska, är nuförtiden mycket mer än det från början var, så började det sin bana som en enda film av George Lucas. Då den första filmen bara hette Star Wars, eller Stjärnornas Krig, så började serietidningar och böcker att publiceras redan innan andra filmen - Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back eller Star Wars: Episod V: Rymdimperiet Slår Tillbaka - spelades på biodukarna för första gången. Numera finns det ett antal filmer, varav de sex episoderna är de mest kända, ett par TV-serier, många dator- och konsollspel, ofantligt många böcker och ett oräkneligt antal serietidningar.
- Second Life includes a great Star Wars Roleplaying community called SWRP, having its own wiki.
- É notório que J.J. Abrams e Damon Lindelof são grandes fãs destes filmes [1]. No dia em que eles se reuniram para começar a colaboração para Lost, J.J. vestia uma camiseta do Star Wars, e como resultado ambos encontraram uma conexão imediata. Em 2015 foi lançado Star Wars Episódio VII: O Despertar da Força, também dirigido pelo J.J Abrams.
- Star Wars is a multi-billion dollar space opera/space fantasy franchise. Conceived by George Lucas, it was launched with the release of the first film on May 25, 1977, which created a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.
- Star Wars (Stjärnornas krig) är en episk science fiction-saga byggd på sex filmer som blivit kända världen över. När filmen Star Wars kom ut för första gången 1977 så innehöll den flera tekniska genombrott i filmindustrin. Filmerna efter den, The Empire Strikes Back och Return of the Jedifick enorm uppmärksamhet. Filmskaparen, George Lucas, lät Star Wars bli, inte bara filmer, utan nästan ett kommersiellt märke. Runt över världen finns folk som lätt känner igen låtarna ur "Original Trilogy", som Imperial March eller den klassiska öppningssången för filmerna. 1999 kom Star Wars Episod I: Det Mörka Hotet ut, efter flera års väntan. Filmen är en av de filmer som man har tjänat mest pengar på någonsin i hela världen, sammanlagt cirka 924 miljoner USD. Förutom sex filmer finns några mindre känd